What is the efficient way to pass value from other class to Main class, in JAVA? -

i have in main class:

 public void start(stage primarystage) throws exception {      thread timecheckthread = new thread() {         @override         public void run() {             try{                 while (!done) {                     system.out.println("running!!");                     system.out.println();                     currentdate = localdate.now();                     if (!olddate.equals(currentdate)) {                         index++;                         savedata();                         system.out.println("saved!");                     }                     currentthread().sleep(5000);                 }             }catch(interruptedexception e){                 e.printstacktrace();             }         }     };      timecheckthread.start();            stage = primarystage;     stage.initstyle(stagestyle.transparent);      fxmlloader loader = new fxmlloader(getclass().getresource("sample.fxml"));     parent root = (parent) loader.load();      stackpane stackpane = new stackpane(root);     stackpane.setstyle("-fx-background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);");      scene scene = new scene(stackpane, 312, 212);     scene.setfill(color.transparent);     stage.setscene(scene);      controller controller = loader.<controller>getcontroller();     controller.registerstage(stage);     stage.show(); }  //launch 'start' public static void main(string[] args) {     launch(args); } 

and in controller class:

public void exitbuttonclicked() {     platform.exit(); } 

i want pass boolean method exitbuttonclicked main class can end loop of while(!done). efficient approach accomplish this? is, having setter done in main method, , invoking setter instance of main class in controller class, method?

there 2 issues. controller needs access variables, , have 5s sleep. 1 way it, without passing around instance of main class make static utility method.

class main extends application{     static volatile boolean done = false;     static thread timecheckthread;     static void applicationisexiting(){         done = true;         timecheckthread.interrupt();     } } 

then when create time check thread assign static variable:

 timecheckthread = new thread() { ... 

the method in controller have call utility method.

public void exitbuttonclicked() {     platform.exit();     main.applicationisexiting(); } 


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