Hatching array of circles in AutoCAD using c# -

i beginner in autocad plugins.i have created array of circle using following code. now, have hatch circles in array .how that??how hatch circles @ once? moreover, how can return hatch method , use hatch objects.sorry language.thanks in advance.

[assembly: commandclass(typeof(beamsection.class1))] namespace beamsection {     public class class1     {         //class1 obj = new class1();          [commandmethod("beamatsupport")]         public void addlightweightpolyline()         {             // current document , database             document acdoc = application.documentmanager.mdiactivedocument;             database accurdb = acdoc.database;             promptpointresult ppr = acdoc.editor.getpoint("\nselect starting point ");             var ucs = acdoc.editor.currentusercoordinatesystem;             point3d startingpt = ppr.value.transformby(ucs);                list<double> radius = new list<double>();             radius.add(0.5);             radius.add(1);            double[]   pickpont = new double[3];             pickpont = new double[3];             pickpont[0] = startingpt[0];             pickpont[1] = startingpt[1];             pickpont[2] = startingpt[2];             double w = 12.0;             double b = 18.0;             double t = 1.0;             double c = 1.0;             int nb = 3;                    // start transaction             using (transaction actrans = accurdb.transactionmanager.starttransaction())             {                 // open block table read                 blocktable acblktbl;                 acblktbl = actrans.getobject(accurdb.blocktableid,                                                 openmode.forread) blocktable;                 //open block table record model space write                 blocktablerecord acblktblrec;                 acblktblrec = actrans.getobject(acblktbl[blocktablerecord.modelspace],                                                openmode.forwrite) blocktablerecord;                 pickpont[0] = startingpt[0];                 pickpont[1] = startingpt[1];                 pickpont[2] = startingpt[2];                 application.showalertdialog(pickpont[0].tostring());                 double x = calculate(w, b, c, radius, nb);               circle accircle = new circle();               accircle.radius = 1.5 * 0.5;               accircle.center = new point3d(pickpont[0] - (w / 2 - 2 * c) - x - 0.1, pickpont[1] + 2 * c, 0);               //acblktblrec.appendentity(accircle);               //actrans.addnewlycreateddbobject(accircle, true);              /*  objectidcollection objcolls = new objectidcollection();               objcolls.add(accircle.objectid);               hatch ohatch = new hatch();               ohatch.elevation = 0.0;               ohatch.patternscale = 2.0;               ohatch.sethatchpattern(hatchpatterntype.predefined, "solid");               ohatch.colorindex = 4;                ohatch.associative = true;               ohatch.appendloop(hatchlooptypes.outermost, objcolls);               ohatch.evaluatehatch(true);*/                   //objectidcollection objcolls = new objectidcollection();               //objcolls.add(accircle.objectid);                     /*  matrix3d curucsmatrix = acdoc.editor.currentusercoordinatesystem;                   coordinatesystem3d curucs = curucsmatrix.coordinatesystem3d;                   vector2d acvec2dang = new vector2d(curucs.xaxis.x, curucs.xaxis.y);*/                  //darrayang = darrayang; //+ acvec2dang.angle;                       int nrows = 1;                       int ncolumns = nb;                       double drowoffset = 1;                       double dcolumnoffset = x;                       application.showalertdialog(x.tostring());                       double darrayang = 0;                       (int = 0; < 2; i++)                       {                           extents3d acexts = accircle.bounds.getvalueordefault();                           point2d acpt2darraybase = new point2d(acexts.minpoint.x, acexts.maxpoint.y);                              if (i == 1)                           {                               accircle.center = new point3d(pickpont[0] - (w / 2 - 2 * c) - x - 0.1, pickpont[1] + 2 * c, 0);                            }                           else                            {                               accircle.center = new point3d(pickpont[0] - (w / 2 - 2 * c) - x - 0.1, pickpont[1] + (b - 3 * t) + 1, 0);                           }                           dbobjectcollection acdbobjcollcols = new dbobjectcollection();                           acdbobjcollcols.add(accircle);                            int ncolumnscount = 1;                           while (ncolumns >= ncolumnscount)                           {                               entity acentclone = accircle.clone() entity;                                   acdbobjcollcols.add(acentclone);                               // caclucate new point copied object (move)                                         point2d acpt2dto = polarpoints(acpt2darraybase, darrayang, dcolumnoffset * ncolumnscount);                               vector2d acvec2d = acpt2darraybase.getvectorto(acpt2dto);                               vector3d acvec3d = new vector3d(acvec2d.x, acvec2d.y, 0);                               acentclone.transformby(matrix3d.displacement(acvec3d));                                 acblktblrec.appendentity(acentclone);                               actrans.addnewlycreateddbobject(acentclone, true);                               ncolumnscount = ncolumnscount + 1;                            }                            double dang = math.pi / 2;                            dbobjectcollection acdbobjcolllvls = new dbobjectcollection();                           foreach (dbobject acobj in acdbobjcollcols)                           {                               acdbobjcolllvls.add(acobj);                           }                           foreach (entity acent1 in acdbobjcollcols)                           {                               int nrowscount = 1;                               while (nrows > nrowscount)                               {                                   entity acentclone = acent1.clone() entity;                                   acdbobjcolllvls.add(acentclone);                                    // caclucate new point copied object (move)                                                 point2d acpt2dto = polarpoints(acpt2darraybase, darrayang + dang, drowoffset * nrowscount);                                   vector2d acvec2d = acpt2darraybase.getvectorto(acpt2dto);                                   vector3d acvec3d = new vector3d(acvec2d.x, acvec2d.y, 0);                                   acentclone.transformby(matrix3d.displacement(acvec3d));                                    acblktblrec.appendentity(acentclone);                                   actrans.addnewlycreateddbobject(acentclone, true);                                   nrowscount = nrowscount + 1;                               }                           }                       }                          //acblktblrec.appendentity(ohatch);                   //  actrans.addnewlycreateddbobject(ohatch, true);                          actrans.commit();                 }                 acdoc.sendstringtoexecute("._zoom _e ", true, false, false);             } 

you can see doc. add hatch first circle before creating array both entities.

please, clean code before posting should easier read try help.


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