
Showing posts from July, 2014

java - How can I set the default Scope in IntelliJ 12 for Find Usages? -

i've returned intellij after long hiatus android development i'm getting used again. problem have example when want see class being used, you'd position caret in class declaration , issue cmd alt f7 (on mac os x) find usages , returning stuff mapping.txt , seeds.txt .java results, , tho can set defaults doing shift cmd alt f7 , un-tick the: search text occurrences , change scope project files custom scope (for example), these options are not saved when invoke find usages again. does know of way personalize find usages it's more close eclipse do? (i.e., find real usages instead of text search occurrences). reporting future: behaviour described in question has been implemented ( intellij issue mentioned in comments ). to configure cmd alt f7 run in default scope, start running against symbol clicking on wrench icon, 1 can select 1 of pre-defined scopes, or create new 1 (using ... button). the + creates new scope. find folder in look, ,

c# - Asp.Net 5 Mvc 6 Dependency Injection: Register for Session -

is there possibility register service scoped session ? in documentation found possibility add transient : new instance each time service requested scoped : new instance each http request singleton : 1 instance long server , running instance : singleton instance create but did not find register service scoped session. is there workaround this? or not possible? it possible, of course. far know need coding write custom solution. start try write , integrate custom 'life time manager' (in unity nomenclature), or create custom factory subject service , register singleton.

sql server - How does T-SQL implicit conversion / overload resolution work? -

i've been toying around t-sql in attempt understand implicit conversion , overload resolution rules, somehow seems work bit strange... context: data type conversion: data type precedence: abs: basically latter tells abs work on int, float, decimal, etc. let's see how works: declare @foo2 sql_variant; set @foo2 = abs(4); select sql_variant_property(@foo2, 'basetype') -- result: int. ok, apparently have int overload. expected. declare @foo2 sql_variant; set @foo2 = abs(cast(4.0 float)); select sql_variant_property(@foo2, 'basetype') -- result: float. ok, apparently have float overload. expected. now, according implicit type conversion table, allowed implicitly convert stuff. we're going check converting varbinary int, should happen according type precedence rules: declare @f

optimization - How to select and delete every clipping masks in an Illustrator document using javascript? -

i'm making extend scripts adobe illustrator cs6 (javascript) , need delete every clipping masks of document. i have solution it's not fast enough in big documents. here code: var releaseclippingmasks = function(document) { var pathitems = document.pathitems; log('looking clipping masks among ' + pathitems.length + ' elements'); var n = 0; for(var p = pathitems.length - 1; p >= 0; p--) { if(p / 1000 == math.round(p / 1000)) { log(p + ' remaining'); } if(pathitems[p].clipping) { // accessing element [p] of pathitems takes lot of time pathitems[p].remove(); n++; } } log(n + ' deleted masks'); } there not many clipping masks in documents, lot of pathitems (100000+), iterating takes long time. does know better way select every clipping masks in document javascript? appreciated. the fastest way select clipping mask , delete it: // select->objects->clipping mask app.

c++ - convert 512-bits in a 256 Hexadecimal table -

i have buffer unsigned char table[512] want convert faster table of short int table[256] every position compound bytes of table. i have camera give me buffer table convert disparity real depth. unsigned char zdtable[512] = {0}; unsigned short int zdtablehexa[256]={0}; .. buffer data..... (int = 0; < 256; ++i) { zdtablehexa[i]=zdtable[i*2]<<8 + zdtable[i*2+1]; } these 2 has problem in converting values, bytes inversed: memcpy(zdtablehexa_ptr,zdtable,256*sizeof( unsigned short int)); unsigned short* zdtablehexa = (unsigned short*)zdtable; try short* zdtablehexa = (short*)zdtable; it maps memory space of char array array of shorts. if memory looks this: (char0),(char1),(char2),(char3) then reinterpreted be (short0 = char0,char1),(short1 = char2,char3) beware such direct reinterpretation depends on endianness , formally allows sufficiently pedantic compiler ungood things, i.e., it's system- , compiler-specific.

android - Error while Listing scanned Bluetooth Low Energy Device -

i developing android application scans , displays bluetooth low energy devices in listview. problem able display 1 item in listview if there many ble devices.i using arraylist , arrayadapter essential.below part of code, can tell me error , how can overcome it. public class scanlist extends activity { public listview scandevicelist; private bluetoothadapter mbluetoothadapter; private handler mhandler; private arrayadapter<bluetoothdevice> adapter1; context context; activity activity; public arraylist<bluetoothdevice> devices; public string mdeviceaddress,mdevicename; private static final int request_enable_bt = 1; // stops scanning after 10 seconds. private static final long scan_period = 10000; @override protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.scanned_device); scandevicelist = (listview) findviewbyid(; mhandler = new handler(); final bluetoothmanag

Hatching array of circles in AutoCAD using c# -

i beginner in autocad plugins .i have created array of circle using following code. now, have hatch circles in array .how that??how hatch circles @ once? moreover, how can return hatch method , use hatch objects.sorry language.thanks in advance. [assembly: commandclass(typeof(beamsection.class1))] namespace beamsection { public class class1 { //class1 obj = new class1(); [commandmethod("beamatsupport")] public void addlightweightpolyline() { // current document , database document acdoc = application.documentmanager.mdiactivedocument; database accurdb = acdoc.database; promptpointresult ppr = acdoc.editor.getpoint("\nselect starting point "); var ucs = acdoc.editor.currentusercoordinatesystem; point3d startingpt = ppr.value.transformby(ucs); list<double> radius = new list<double>(); radius.add(0.5);

c++ - How to avoid re-use socket? -

there server, there clients. clients connect server. servers function "accept" returns socket connected client. when client socket becomes invalid, can reused. how prevent server reuse same socket? p.s.: fans downvote pay attention, i'm not asking socket server, ask client sockets. this clear misconceptions - i'm still voting question closed unless it's edited sensible. but when client socket becomes invalid, can reused no, socket file descriptor has closed if tcp connection has shut down. new socket allocated later new tcp connection, , receive file descriptor same integer value, isn't same socket. the socket - not port, address. no, socket handle process uses talk os tcp connection, uniquely identified 4-tuple consisting of 2 ports , 2 addresses. see this answer , i'm not going paste here. if no connection, customer not aware of [closing socket] if there no connection, there's nothing close. if there existing t

Android TabLayout inside Fragment -

i using navigation drawer navigate between fragments use mainactivity toolbar each fragment has it's own tablayout 3 tabs , in each tab using recyclerview show different text , images. i did last time using actvities instead of fragments using drawer it's beter use fragments. i have got point tabs work put viewpager in , connect adapters tabs , open new fragment drawer null pointer problem here? public class mainactivity extends appcompatactivity implements navigationview.onnavigationitemselectedlistener { @override protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.activity_main); toolbar toolbar = (toolbar) findviewbyid(; setsupportactionbar(toolbar); drawerlayout drawer = (drawerlayout) findviewbyid(; actionbardrawertoggle toggle = new actionbardrawertoggle( this, drawer, toolbar, r.string.navigation_drawer

ios - xcode 7 svn checkout subdirectory -

i'm using xcode 7.2 , checkout subdirectory of svn repository. example, if repository path svn:// , want checkout only 'myxcodeproject' via xcode , keep under version control. don't want checkout of subdirectories don't care under 'trunk', android, web, documents etc.. tried xcode menu > source control > checkout... entering whole repository path(svn://, checked out of directories under trunk although under version control. i remember earlier version of xcode provided subdirectory checkout seems xcode 7.x~ not. there person suffering problem? best way can choose? i had same problem, imported to root of repo, not under /trunk/myapp /myapp. after checkout project folder successfully.

php - joomla dev database gives wrong special chars UTF8 Unicode -

i tray data out of database. that's no problem. special chars è change è ë change ë .. the database has right chars. rsform in backend shows right char. how data out of database use in plugin. $db = jfactory::getdbo(); $query = $db->getquery(true); $query ->select(array('submissionid','fieldname','fieldvalue')) ->from($db->quotename('#__rsform_submission_values')) ->where($db->quotename('formid')." = 4") ->where($db->quotename('submissionid')." > 10928"); $db->setquery($query); $rows = $db->loadobjectlist(); foreach ($rows $row) {var_dump($row);}; my solution not work, let's give try ;) i had similar issue ohana , ark editor... part created php configuration. comparing 2 servers configurations same joomla components, discovered « apm » wrongfully selected in php configuration. i hope you. mvc 5 - jqGrid : Display one to many relationship in jqGrid MVC 5 -

i need display jqgrid in below format: fomat : [1]: any appreciated. one can use rowspan display data in format. see the answer . main problem such grid can only display data. other functionality starting sorting column content, selection of rows, editing , on can't used. need? can better use standard <table> rowspan attributes? still not simple group common input data in format want display.

eclipse - beep() function in C++ "was not declared in scope" -

i'm trying use c++ beep() function of windows.h in cdt. doesn't compile , throws error: 'beep' not declared in scope function 'beep' not resolved here code: /* * blahblah.cpp * * created on: jan 28, 2016 * */ #include <iostream> #include <windows.h> using namespace std; int main(){ beep(523, 500); //cin.get(); return 0; } i'm using mingw on 64 bit win7 machine thanks the beep function begins capital b . c++ case-sensitive language.

sql - Getting repeated rows for where with or condition -

i trying find employees worked during specific time period , hours worked during time period. query has join employee table has employee id pk , uses effective_date , expiration_date time measures employee's position timekeeping table has pay period id number pk , uses effective , expiration dates. the problem expiration date in employee table if employee employed date '12/31/9999'. looking employees worked in year , current employees hours worked separated pay periods. when take condition in account in or statement, duplicates employees have worked time period looking , beyond duplicate records '12/31/9999' , valid employee in time period. this query using: select j.empl_id ,j.dept ,j.unit ,j.last_nm ,j.first_nm ,j.title ,j.eff_dt ,j.exp_dt ,tm1.pprd_id ,tm1.empl_id ,tm1.exp_dt ,tm1.eff_dt --pullin

emacs - open a zipped file in Dired -

i'm looking way open file in zipped file vim can default configuration. dired shows list of zipped files cannot open while vim can do. know how make work vim does? tip, please? it turned out evil mode overrides key-bindings 'archive-extract'. if know how recover macro, please let me know. i've tried shallow elisp knowledge failed. please.

css - Angular - after deleting from ngRepeat, remaining items don't slide smoothly but rather snap/jump into place -

i'm using angularjs v1.4.8 , included/injected nganimate in controller. i building dynamic list using ngrepeat, bound array. adding , updating items in list works , animations run expected. however, when delete item list, trailing elements (i.e. elements below deleted item) snap position. trailing elements gracefully slide place. just reiterate. when delete item, trailing items snap white space left element being deleted. want trailing items smoothly slide white space. i've tried playing around max-height, setting fixed value enter , 0 leave. doesn't work @ - nothing happens. (i.e. no shrinking of kind). which part of css handle this? ng.enter ng.leave ng.move (sneaky suspicion won't example refer drag&drop functionality) view this html "list" looks like: <div ng-repeat="citem in commentdata.comments" class="animate-repeat"> css here current css, {

assembly - Errors in compilation of SCALL.S SBREAK.S and CSR.S for risc v tool chain -

i have been trying compile scall.s, sbreak.s , csr.s tests have been hitting errors. commands have been using follows riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -c -m32 -i ../../../riscv-tests/ -o ../../../tests-build-xhay/scall.o ./scall.s the errors seen shown below ./../rv64si/scall.s: assembler messages: ./../rv64si/scall.s:33: error: absolute expression required `li' ./../rv64si/scall.s:34: error: instruction csrr requires absolute expression ./../rv64si/scall.s:36: error: instruction csrr requires absolute expression ./../rv64si/scall.s:38: error: instruction csrw requires absolute expression could point out error here while running commands or there other command needs run.

content management system - AEM6, json drop-down: want to populate only value in drop down and not text -

i have json structure follows: [{"text":"us","value":"united sates"},{"text":"ca","value":"canada"}] i have created servlet populate dropdown component. servlet: while (node.hasnext()) { node child = node.nextnode(); if (child.hasproperty("nationcode") && child.hasproperty("nationname")) { jsonobject json = new jsonobject(); json.put("text", child.getproperty("nationcode").getvalue().getstring()); json.put("value", child.getproperty("nationname").getvalue().getstring()); jsonarray.put(json); } } response.setcontenttype("application/json"); response.getwriter().write(jsonarray.tostring()); my component has options="bin/" i try populate value populate "text" in drop down. how make s

sockets - Client-Server Discovery Service on localhost -

i have application want extend publishing data out socket when key events happen custom application wants listen packets can process them. my inclination send packets on udp on localhost server known clients involve clients sending messages known server address such , subscribing using own address , , server sends out copy of packet each active subscriber every time event happens. i see few problems need solving here: servers possibly in contention , try bind same "known" server port @ clients need made aware of every available server publishing messages user can select server interested in listening to server need periodically ask each client if still listening since udp there has better way! there way can write network communications in manner allows clients share same port(then there wouldn't need client-server handshake)? if wanted extend across lan, how can publish information machines interested(inclin

protocols - Samba connection with java -

hi have created test program connect samba protocol. motive create test.txt file on shared location string path="smb://"+sharedfolder+"/test.txt"; but when try run program (below code sample) import; import jcifs.smb.ntlmpasswordauthentication; import jcifs.smb.smbfile; import jcifs.smb.smbfileoutputstream; public class test { /** * @param args * @throws ioexception */ public static void main(string[] args) throws ioexception { string user = "abc"; string pass ="123456"; string sharedfolder="input"; string path="smb://"+sharedfolder+"/test.txt"; ntlmpasswordauthentication auth = new ntlmpasswordauthentication("",user, pass); smbfile smbfile = new smbfile(path, auth); smbfile.createnewfile(); smbfileoutputstream smbfos = new sm

HTML page should fix all the android device -

i have tried following code fit webpage based on device screen size. webview mwebview=(webview)findviewbyid(; mwebview.loadurl("file:///android_asset/test/index.html"); mwebview.setinitialscale(1); mwebview.getsettings().setloadwithoverviewmode(false); mwebview.getsettings().setusewideviewport(true); mwebview.getsettings().setbuiltinzoomcontrols(true); mwebview.setscrollbarstyle(webview.scrollbars_outside_overlay); mwebview.setscrollbarfadingenabled(false); in zoomcontrols working fine. webpage not fixed device screen size. can give me suggestions...? try adding following meta tag html file <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale = 1.0,maximum-scale = 1.0" />

ruby - net/ssh gem breaks messaging/form submission in rails app -

i installed gem net/ssh, after encountering error ~/.rbenv/versions/2.2.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/fog-1.32.0/lib/fog/joyent/compute.rb:3:in `require': cannot load such file -- net/ssh (loaderror) however, broke messaging system uses pusher push messages pages subscribed channel. think ssh related problem, can not solve since don't know enough ssh, connections etc. is there workaround overcome error, or have install net/ssh gem?

match_query inside script? [elasticsearch] -

i have quite complex aggregation, complexity caused absence of has_parent aggregation. since it's implemented using groovy. problem have filter docs being counted in aggregation. aggregation looks this: aim of aggregation build top of universities contacts graduated from. contact doc has child docs, facebook profiles. last ones have nested fields representing universities, that's why access _source field. as can see, perform filtering in beginning : { "match_phrase_prefix": { "": "stan" } } to exclude contacts not having relevant docs. "" analyzed as { "filter": [ "lowercase", "standard", "trim",

php - Different db connection for models using hasManyThrough relationship in laravel 5.1 -

i trying use hasmanythrough relationship in laravel 5.1 sql query not using appropriate prefix defined in each connection each model used. have 3 models 2 of use same connection , 1 of them uses different one. difference between connections prefix database same. model has connection uses prefix a_ model b has connection b uses prefix b_ model c has connection b uses prefix b_ the relationship: inside model b: public function relationshipwitha() { return $this->hasmanythrough(a::class, c::class, 'cid', 'aid'); } the final query logic correct instead of using b_ prefix joined tables using a_ prefix tables in query. is bug/limitation of laravel? there solution or have manual join achieve want? other relationship types work multiple database connections: public function foos() { return $this->belongstomany(foo::class, 'other_db.foos'); } but hasmanythrough not have $table parameter in signature, same solution not appl

java - Should I synchronize method in my example? -

i'm not sure if should synchronize method methodone() in example. think not i'm not 100% sure. please give me advice do? public class synchroissue { class test { private double = 0; void methodone() { a++; } void go() { new thread(new runnable() { @override public void run() { (int = 0; < integer.max_value; i++) { methodone(); system.out.println(thread.currentthread().getname() + ", = " + a); } } }).start(); } } public static void main(string... args) { synchroissue mainobj = new synchroissue(); synchroissue.test object1 = test(); synchroissue.test object2 = test(); object1.go(); object2.go(); } } assuming going use instances of synchroissue class concurrently, not doing currently, answer yes. the increment operator not atomic. 3 instructions: g

java - ANTLR parser node type + Tree Adopter? -

i have developed small antlr grammar. contains 3 files. glexer.g : lexer gparser.g : parser of tpye ast gwalker.g : tree parser also have custom tree node gtree (extends commontree) , tree adoptergadaptor ( extends commontreeadaptor ). see sample code below. lexer : glexer.g lexer grammar glexer; .. lexer rule .. **parser gparser.g ** parser grammar gparser; options { output = ast; tokenvocab = glexer; } statement : rule* -> ^(statements rules* ) ; tree grammar : gwalker.g tree grammar gwalker; options { tokenvocab = gparser; astlabeltype = gtree; } statement returns [string node] : ^(statements rules* ) ; tree node public class gtree extends commontree { public string text; public hashmap<string, object> params = new hashmap<string, object>(); public gtree(token t) { super(t); text = (t != null ? t.gettext() : "[]"); } } tree adopter

mysql - Eliminate certain duplicated rows after group by -

with db: chef( cid ,cname,age), recipe( rid ,rname), cooked( orderid ,cid,rid,price) customers( cuid , orderid , time ,daytime,age) [cid means c hef id , , on] given orders customers, need find each chef, difference between age , average of people ordered his/her meals. wrote following query: select cid, ch.age - avg(cu.age) diff chef ch natural join cooked co,customers cu co.orderid = cu.orderid group cid this solves problem, if assume customers has unique id, might not work,because 1 can order 2 meals of same chef , affect calculation. now know can answered not exists i'm looking soultion includes group function (something similar wrote). far couldn't find (i searched , tried many ways, select distinct , manipulation in clause ,to "having count(distinct..)" ) edit: people asked exmaple. i'm coding using sqlfiddle , crashes alot, i'll try best: cid | cuid | orderid | cu.age ----------------------------- 1 333 1

javascript - How to show a default value in the view if a data field is empty, in angular.js? -

what best way show placeholder value in view when data field blank, in angular.js? for example if vm.text empty, want display - - - in view. if not empty, show value of vm.text : option 1 , know accomplish through using ng-show property: <div> <span ng-show="!vm.text">- - -</span> <span ng-show="vm.text">{{ vm.text }}</span> </div> option 2 , in controller, set value of vm.text "- - -" instead of resetting "" : // reset field vm.text = "- - -"; is there another, simpler way in angular.js don't know about? you can : <div> <span>{{ vm.text || '- - -' }}</span> </div>

java - JBilling ActiveMQ Scheduler Exception -

i trying run jbilling 4.4.1. keep getting following error; exception in thread "activemq scheduler" java.lang.illegalstateexception: can't overwrite cause java.lang.illegalstateexception: illegal access: web application instance has been stopped already. not load$8. eventual following stack trace caused error thrown debugging purposes attempt terminate thread caused illegal access, , has no functional impact. @ java.lang.throwable.initcause( @ org.apache.catalina.loader.webappclassloaderbase.checkstateforclasslo ading( @ org.apache.catalina.loader.webappclassloaderbase.loadclass(webappclas @ org.apache.catalina.loader.webappclassloaderbase.loadclass(webappclas @ @$100( @

iphone - Dismiss Current View controller and open new view controller - ios Swift -

i have 3 view controllers. in second view controller. want dismiss current view controller , open third view controller. how can it? can dismiss third view controller second view controller using following code. self.presentingviewcontroller?.presentingviewcontroller?.dismissviewcontrolleranimated(false, completion: nil) my problem here when use function screen flickering. means second view controller showing , dismissed. how can it? i want dissmiss currentview cotroller , open new view controller it possible in android. hope possible in ios too. how can achieve this. please 1 me. edit 1: i try dissmiss current view controller , open new view controller using following code. second , third both closed. self.dismissviewcontrolleranimated(false) { // go mainmenuview eyes of user presentingviewcontroller.dismissviewcontrolleranimated(false, completion: nil) } i found solution i change view controller child of navigation controller. , remove history t

hadoop - JDBC Connection to Hive version 0.14.0 and from R via RDBC package -

i having hiveserver running on machine1 following code have used jdbc connection hive_jars <- list.files("/home/jar/hive_jdbc_jar/", pattern = "[.]jar", full.names=false, recursive=true) lib_dir <- "/home/jar/hive_jdbc_jar/" hive_class_path <- sprintf( '%s/%s', lib_dir, hive_jars ) .jinit(classpath=hive_class_path, parameters="-drjava.debug=true") hostname <- "" port <- "10000" drv <- jdbc( 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.jdbc.hivedriver', classpath= hive_class_path, "`" ) server <- sprintf( 'jdbc:hive://%s:%s/default', hostname, port ) hiveconnection <- dbconnect( drv, server ) error getting error in .jcall(drv@jdrv, "ljava/sql/connection;", "connect", as.character(url)[1], : java.lang.noclassdeffounderror: not initialize class org.apache.hadoop.hive.conf.hiveconf$confvars jars have added "antlr-

java - Codename One Sockets Send Message to Client -

i want write simple app me (android). necessary server can send data client (only 1 client @ time) unfortunately have no idea how use sockets or websockets codename one. can please post small examplecode how establish connection, listen on , send small data? greetings captain you need use cn1lib steve hannah access websockets. available here: found thru looking @ sockets bit problematic though, might want @ push, pubnub or https if applicable. see chat app demo parts 5 & 6 former:

java - Android - Detecting Application class running on main process on a multiprocess app -

i have android app extends application class , has many app components (services, activities , broadcast receivers) running along 3 different process. each process instantiate application class started. i've been looking how can check inside application class code, if instance owned main app process have not been able find anything. my manifest looks this: <application android:allowbackup="true" android:icon="@drawable/ic_launcher" android:label="@string/app_name" android:name=".myapplication" android:theme="@style/apptheme" > <activity android:name="..."> ... </activity> <activity android:name="..."> ... </activity> <service android:name="..." > </service> <service android:name="..." android:process=":secondprocess" > </servi

php - Zend framework 2- more than one RESTful api modules -

we have more 2 restful modules (restful & testservices). 1 rest module working @ time. if rearranged modules order in application.config.php , last module of rest api working . for example if keep 'testservices' module after " restful" module , "testservices" working. exmple - testservices : http://localhost/dev/public/testservices/userslist working fine . if calling http://localhost/dev/public/restful/stateslist getting following error : a 404 error occurred page not found. requested controller unable dispatch request. controller: application\controller\index if keep if keep ' restful ' module after " testservices " module , " restful " working. getting errors reverse of above. here application.config.php return array( // should array of module namespaces used in application. 'modules' => array( 'doctrinemodule', 'doctrineormmodule', 'application&#

Looping XML with PHP -

i've read various things i've followed can't seem working. i'm returning xml ebay trading api, working, can't nodes echo out... (i'm newish php / xml) here's sample of xml (stripped out contains order data): <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <getordersresponse xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eblbasecomponents"> <timestamp>2016-01-28t10:48:19.262z</timestamp> <ack>success</ack> <version>949</version> <build>e949_intl_apixo_17770994_r1</build> <paginationresult> <totalnumberofentries>3</totalnumberofentries> </paginationresult> <hasmoreorders>false</hasmoreorders> <orderarray> <order> <orderid>400930822745-519268006027</orderid> <orderstatus>completed</orderstatus> <amountpaid currencyid="gbp">213.0</amountpaid> </order> &