Vue.js, Visual Studio 2015 and .less styles syntax highlighting -

i using visual studio 2015 , vue.js implement frontend web app.

as known, vue.js comes quite special approach declare components - each component should declared in single .vue file, contains required code (template, script , style) , looks this:

<template>     <!-- component template goes here. --> </template>  <script>     <!-- component code goes here. --> </script>  <style>     <!-- component style goes here. --> </style> 

there no official support .vue files in msvs @ moment, use html editor edit files , works fine me.

so, problem...

vue-files allows set required language script or style (just add lang attribute script or style tags , here go). so, using less, style tag looks this:

<style lang="less">...</style> 

visual studio, of course, know nothing special lang attribute, add well-known attributes in order enable less syntax highlighting , style tag looks this:

<style lang="less" rel="stylesheet/less" type="text/less">...</style> 

unfortunately visual studio don't understand intention use less , highlight less code simple css :-(

so, question is: how let visual studio understand .less styles, embedded right html document?

p.s. allowed reference separate files part of .vue component this...

<template src="./template.html"></template> <style src="./style.css"></style> <script src="./script.js"></script> 

...but want store inside single file.

and, of course, want use single ide both frontend , backend, advice "just use visual studio code, sublimetext or webstorm" not useful.

there vue.js pack visual studio provides intellisense visual studio 2015.


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