javascript - RegExp - needs to check there are letters and numbers present plus optional special chars? -

this question has answer here:

using javascript have test value ensure alphanumeric, can have selection of optional special chars - have:


but fails optional aspect of test.

e.g. these should valid:

alpha1234 alpha1234! 1234alpha !1234alpha 1234!qwer 

but these should fail:

alpha 1234 

hopefully can either point me in right direction or has answer handy :) or if need know more, let me know.

thanks in advance.

  • first, ensure input contains @ least 1 digit: (?=.*[0-9]).
  • then, ensure input contains @ least 1 alpha: (?=.*[a-z]).
  • finally, ensure input contains allowed chars: [a-z0-9\/_+£&@"?!'.,()]*.

all together:


regular expression visualization

visualization debuggex

demo regex101


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