eclipse - avrdude programmer is not responding when uploading a .hex file -

i'm trying upload hex file atmega328 on arduino uno board builded eclipse's avr plugin when run avrdude -pm328p -carduino -p/dev/ttyacm0 -b9600 -uflash:w:/home/bruno/workspace/testavr/release/testavr.hex:a avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer not responding

i tried upload blink led code using arduino ide , worked fine.

this general error can caused number of things. try adding -vvv flag (or maybe -vvvv) give more verbose output when programming.

one thing try hitting reset button on arduino after avrdude writes first few bytes.

ensure there nothing shorted, , uno has stable power source. also, if there connected rx/tx pins, can cause programming issue.

make sure using correct programmer, if arduino clone, might need -c arduino-ft232r.


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