c# - Binding image StorageFile to XamlCropControl -

i working xamlcropcontrol library here. can't binding image storagefile crop-control. xamlcropcontrol, that:

 <xamlcrop:cropcontrol x:name="crop" imagesource="ms-appx:///assets/wrench.jpg" desiredaspectratio="1.0" /> 

but in case, need bind image picked gallery pass crop-control. bellow, did not work @ all.

  public async void imagereceiver(storagefile image)     {         bitmapimage bitmapimage = new bitmapimage();         filerandomaccessstream stream = (filerandomaccessstream)await image.openasync(fileaccessmode.read);         bitmapimage.setsource(stream);         imgparam = bitmapimage;     }      private bitmapimage imgparam;     public writeablebitmap imgparam     {         { return imgparam; }         set         {             imgparam = value;             raisepropertychanged("imgparam");         }     } 

and in xaml file:

   <xamlcrop:cropcontrol x:name="cropcontrol"                           imagesource="{binding imgparam, mode=twoway}"                           desiredaspectratio="1.0"                           background="black"                           width="100"                           height="100"/> 


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