tfs - Why does my PBI not show on the Kanban if it has child PBIs/Bugs? -

we're still fine-tuning our alm process using tfs 2015 update 1 on-prem. using standard scrum template , display bugs on backlog, along requirements. bugs reported business , go through same level of analysis pbis in contain child tasks:

enter image description here

now pbis, when tester testing pbi , discovers bug (which needs fixed part of sprint), create bug child pbi. keeps them on task board. 1 pbi may have many bugs , these may worked on different people. these child bugs have child tasks.

the process works on kanban board, child bugs shown, parent pbis not. why not? , how can work-around this? can link them differently want them stay on boards.

enter image description here

enter image description here thanks

it feels you're mixing , matching 2 supported scenarios here.

personally prefer not create bugs part of sprint (to me they're not bugs if haven't made out of iteration) , it's used communication mechanism instead of dev & test working closely together.

if want on board under pbi/bug, use task work item (or custom type) , use funky card colouring on board tag signify it's in-sprint bug/issue.

highlight work items based on custom criteria


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