javascript - select 2 add additional parameters to select options -

i need additional parameters <option></option> tag generates select2 ajax data.

my ajax params select2(coffee):

ajax:   url: '/moysklad_warehouse_items/find_warehouse_item'   datatype: 'json'   delay: 500   data: (query) ->     { q: query.term }   processresults: (data) ->     { results: data } 

resulted data structure:

[{id: 1, text: 'one', price: 100, weight: 10},  {id: w, text: 'two', price: 200, weight: 12}] 

by default select2 provide id , text parameters , select looks this:

<select>   <option value="10" selected="selected">one</option>   <option value="11" selected="selected">one</option> </select> 

i want add additional data(price , weight), like, parameters take part in calculations , text tag if insufficiently

<option value="11" selected="selected" price="12" weight="100">one</option> 

if impossible <option></option> tag, normal if put, example, <span></span> inside <option> , add parameters <span>

if jquery option :

 $('#optiontag').attr('my-awesome-attr','12'); //this if give option tag idea of 'optiontag' 


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