javascript - how can change offline to online at openfire presence? -

i'm creating messenger using xmpp. did connect openfire server successfully.

console log received 'connecting' , 'connected' status, checked session on openfire admin console:

name : anonymous
resource : values
node : local
status : authenticated
presence : offline

if use spark client program, changed presence online status.

how can change that? should add more code lines?

var jid = 'id'; var pw = 'testpw'; var bosh_service = ''; var connection = null;  connection = new strophe.connection(bosh_service); connection.connect(jid, pw, callback);  function callback(status){     console.log(status); } 

to declare presence status have add these lines in callback function:

if (status == strophe.status.connected) {     connection.send($pres()); } 

if need web client example based on xmpp (using strophe.js) check plunker below:


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