c# - Is Azure Service Bus message pump really event-driven? -

so we've been looking azure service bus , we're bit confused whether should use infinite loop poll queue/subscription or whether should use onmessage callback/message pump functionality. going execute fewer operations , cost less?

ideally want event-driven system aren't wasting operations , it's nicer approach.

my question is, using onmessage defined "processes message in event-driven message pump" event-driven?

if take @ page (queueclient.onmessage): https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/azure/microsoft.servicebus.messaging.queueclient.onmessage.aspx you'll notice remark @ bottom states wrapper around infinite loop calling receive() method. doesn't sound event-driven me.

now if @ page (subscriptionclient.onmessage): https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/azure/dn130336.aspx, remark not present. same topics/subscriptions , queues or event-driven subscriptions not queues?

why saying it's event-driven when it's not? fact remark on queueclient.onmessage page has words "infinite loop" , "every receive operation billable event" scary.

also, i'm not concerned how much/little cost either way, i'm more interested in making efficient possible.

i've not used onmessage, question interested me did digging.

my understanding onmessage approach encapsulates away of usual concerns processing messages queue give cleaner/easier way lot less concerned about. instead of writing scaffolding around polling, can focus more on "push-like/event driven" implementation (message pump model).

and correct in still loop calling receive() - default timeouts, number of polls same , therefore same cost.

i came across these references:


http://www.flyersoft.net/?p=971 - check comments too, covers same question yours.

so same topics/subscriptions , queues or event-driven subscriptions not queues?

i not 100%, assumption based on research is same , it's case documentation not clear.


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