string formatting - How to ignore spaces between text editview Android -

i trying ignore spaces in editview between text, not quite sure how can go doing this. know can use trim feature ignore spaces before , after full text how ignore space between strings if there any;

string mytextedited mytext.gettext().tostring().trim(); 

for example, if have / user types in this;

allan bob 3523 jko ny1 u90 

i want ingore spaces when read in if statement or put in variable example;

string name = "allanbob"

for example, ignore upper , lower cases doing this;

 if (mytext.gettext().tostring().trim().equalsignorecase(userinput)) {                     //                 } else {                     //                 } 

what add feature in here ignores spaces before, between , after text e.g. instead of;

   myname   henry      .   (space until here) 

it should read mynameishenry user still appears have written it.

please let me know if question not clear, try explaining better


is possible ignore spaces in string have inside if statement. example;

if (mytext.gettext().tostring().trim().equalsignorecase("henry 0887")) {                     //                 } else {                     //                 } 

but if user types in henry0887, if statement not validate because added space inside validation text , therefoe looking space in text, possible on come this, if have space inside validation ignores it.

did try this:

string  mystring = myedittext.gettext().tostring(); mystring  = mystring .replace(" ", ""); 

hope helps


if (mytext.gettext().tostring().replace(" ", "").equalsignorecase(userinput) || mytext.gettext().tostring().equalsignorecase(userinput)) {... 


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