c# - how to resolve pullasync fail in azure? -

i have created wpf windows application, able connect locally created azure mobile service using visual studio 2015.

now changed application work in offline mode this tutorial application not load stating pull failed.

error details:

message : hide   copy code  request not completed.  (bad request)     {method: get, requesturi: 'http://localhost:59675/tables/todoitem?$filter=(updatedat ge datetimeoffset'1970-01-01t00:00:00.0000000%2b00:00')&$orderby=updatedat&$skip=0&$top=50&__includedeleted=true', version: 1.1, content: , headers: { x-zumo-features: qs,ol x-zumo-installation-id: b27d76a8-6c70-48c2-b5a9-76b1540d960f accept: application/json user-agent: zumo/2.0 user-agent: (lang=managed; os=windows; os_version=; arch=win32nt; version=2.0.31125.0) x-zumo-version: zumo/2.0 (lang=managed; os=windows; os_version=; arch=win32nt; version=2.0.31125.0) zumo-api-version: 2.0.0 }} 

kindly resolve

i have solve adding key in mobile app settings enter image description here

or better use new nuget packages:

, microsoft.azure.mobile.client.sqlitestore


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