javascript - - check if a client is in an specific room -

i check if client subscribed specific room. have array saved sockets , index username. have if clause don't work :

if(io.sockets.manager.rooms['/' +].indexof(users[partner] >= 0) { 

so maybe have working code.

update: code:

/* mysql setup here connection */ var count = 0; var messages = 0; var users = {};  var io = require('')(3000);  io.sockets.on('connection', function(client) {     count++;     client.emit('send login');     client.on('login user',function (data) {         if( in users) {          } else {             client.u_name =;             client.u_id =;             users[client.u_id] = {'name':client.username,'socket':client};             io.sockets.emit('online users', { 'count': count });         }     });   client.on('disconnect', function(){     count--;     delete users[client.username];     io.sockets.emit('online users', { 'count': count });   });   client.on('join',function(room){     client.join(room);   });   client.on('leave',function(room){     client.leave(room);   });   client.on('new message',function (data) {     if(client.u_id in users) {           connection.query('insert chats_msg(u_from,chat_id,msg) values(?,?,?)', [client.u_id,,data.msg], function(err, rows, fields) {               if (err) console.log('error @ query'));               query('update chats set last_msg=?,last_time=current_timestamp,last_from=? id=?',[data.msg,client.u_id,]);             });'message',{'msg':data.msg,'from':client.u_name});         connection.query('select * chats id=? limit 1',, function(err, rows, fields) {               if (err) console.log('error @ query'));               if(rows[0].u_1 == client.u_id) {                 var partner = rows[0].u_2;               } else {                 var partner = rows[0].u_1;               }               if(io.sockets.manager.rooms['/' +].indexof(users[partner] >= 0) {                   users[partner].socket.emit('error msg','new message');                 } else {                     users[partner].socket.emit('error msg','yeahh');                 }             });         messages++;       } else {         client.emit('error msg','client or not online');       }   }); }); 

using socket id can do:


it true if socket in room , undefined if not

(version 1.4.5)


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