ibm mobilefirst - Cannot use Direct Update for Windows 8 in Worklight 5.0.6 -

i use worklight 5.0.6 , can't use direct update windows 8 application. ibm worklight information center tells windows 8 app can use direct update.

my way test direct update follows. please tell me how use direct update in windows8.

  1. make windows8 env project
  2. change wlinitoptions.connectonstartup value "true" (in common\js\initoptions.js )
  3. select [build , deploy]
  4. double click .jsproj file run simulator in visual studio 2012 windows8
  5. make app "back ground"
  6. change html file , "re [build , deploy]"
  7. make app "foreground"

this documentation page misleading (i open defect correct it).

direct update (as in process of updating web resources of application after has been installed on device) available ios , android. in environments following steps indeed trigger direct update.

the update (or rather, upgrade) of desktop applications has no relation what-so-ever direct update mechanism mentioned above.

for desktop enviornments consider updating other desktop application - version number, , app detects there update available or so.

in case of adobe air , windows 7/vista gadgets:

  1. build application , install it
  2. in application-descriptor.xml, value of version attribute in envrionment's element (for instance "1.0" "1.1")
  3. build again
  4. i believe need go worklight console , re-download installer, , detect needs upgrade rather install afresh).

note: igoogle, facebook, windows 7/vista gadgets , dashboard environments removed in next version of worklight. have ample replacements other supported worklight environments.

in case of windows 8:

  • direct update not exist it
  • the steps above not relevant not downloadable executable


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