regex - Python match and replace, what I do wrong? -

i have reg exp match data (is here) , try replace matched data single : characetr

test_str = u"there data" p = re.compile(ur'[a-z]+([\n].*?<\/div>[\n ]+<div class="large-3 small-3 columns">[\n ]+)[a-z]+', re.m|re.i|  print re.sub(p, r':/1',test_str)  

i try on few other way it's not replace or replace not matched whole pattern

1)it's backslash issue.
use : print re.sub(p, r':\1',test_str) not print re.sub(p, r':/1',test_str) .
2)you replacing pattern :\1, means replace text : followed first group in regex.
replace first group inside text should add 2 groups , before first , after. hope fix issue:

test_str = u"there data"  p = re.compile(ur'([a-z]+)([\n].*?<\/div>[\n ]+<div class="large-3 small-3 columns">[\n ]+)([a-z]+)', re.m|re.i|  print re.sub(p, r'\1:\2\3',test_str) 


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