C# multiple Attributes Calling Sequence -

i have multiple attributes want apply on controller .which need call them in order of sequence ,because if first attributes executes ,i initialize variables following attribute use.

[authorizelicense] [merchantloggedin] [merchantauthorize] public class merchantcontroller : basecontroller { } 

definition of attributes

 public class authorizelicense:authorizeattribute {     protected override  bool authorizecore(httpcontextbase httpcontext)     {          if(somecondition true){      //initialize variables next attribute use;         }      }      protected override  void handleunauthorizedrequest(authorizationcontext filtercontext)     {       }   } 

next attribute

  public class merchantloggedin:authorizeattribute {     protected override  bool authorizecore(httpcontextbase httpcontext)     {            //use initialize variables previous attribute        }      protected override  void handleunauthorizedrequest(authorizationcontext filtercontext)     {       }   } 

the challenge facing attributes not called in sequence have defined them on class ; top bottom. please ..what doing wrong.

you can use order parameter

[authorizelicense(order = 1)] [merchantloggedin(order = 2)] public class ... 

see execution priority in custom attributes in asp.net mvc


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