d3.js - Get group from D3js selectAll in console? -

in context of understanding better details of d3.js, bit puzzled how selectall works.

for example, based on codepen, possible write:




but after d3js code executed, expect selectall gives group access web console too:

document.getelementsbyclassname('my_own_tag_group') htmlcollection [  ] (empty) 

what missing explanations given in http://bost.ocks.org/mike/selection/

at least code, looks you're doing selection wrong. selectall follows css3 selector rules:

d3 uses css3 select elements. example, can select tag ("div"), class (".awesome"), unique identifier ("#foo"), attribute ("[color=red]"), or containment ("parent child"). selectors can intersected (".this.that" logical and) or unioned (".this, .that" logical or). if browser doesn't support selectors natively, can include sizzle before d3 backwards-compatibility.

therefore, you'd want use


if refers class, ,


if refers id (which might either make sense or not).

if refers else, might want restructure refers class.


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