python - pandas scatterplots: how to plot data on a secondary y axis? -

i want put 2 scatterplots on same graph x axis shared y axes different. can't work out how there though. create first scatterplot doing:

ax=df.plot(kind='scatter', x='vf', y='hf_ratio', xlim=[2e-06,6e-06], ylim=[1,10],         color='darkblue', s=40, label='a')  ax.ticklabel_format(axis='x', style='sci', scilimits=(0,0)) 


now want add second on right-hand y axis. pandas documentation gives info adding secondary axis line plot (secondary_y=true) i've tried doesn't seem work:

df.plot(kind='scatter', x='vf', y='hfall', secondary_y=true,         color='red', s=40, label='hfall', ax=ax); 


it seems ignore secondary_y=true command , plots on original y axis, isn't useful. rub further salt wounds, removes attractive white gridlines...

if able appreciated.

this seems issue (bug?) pandas code. has been reported in github page here. explanation give there, happening secondary_y keyword works line plots, , not scatter plots trying here.

the workaround suggested in link use line plot, changing style dots (not sure if enough needs). in case, like:

ax=df.plot(kind='line', x='vf', y='hf_ratio', xlim=[2e-06,6e-06],     ylim=[1,10], color='darkblue', style='.', markersize=5, label='a')  df.plot(kind='line', x='vf', y='hfall', secondary_y=true,     color='red', style='.', markersize=5, label='hfall', ax=ax); 


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