node.js - Puppet "onlyif" attribute cannot find not(!) operator -

i trying figure out if node package pm2 installed in path , executable or not following puppet code.

 exec { "create symbolic link pm2":     cwd => "${pm2_link_dir}",     path => ['/usr/bin','/bin','/usr/sbin','/sbin'],     onlyif => "! node &> /dev/null",     command => "ln -s ../lib/node_modules/pm2/bin/pm2 pm2" } 

it telling me cannot find command "!". right way find out if program installed , executable?? , why puppet cannot understand not operator?? working on redhat master , slave.

and why puppet cannot understand not operator?

the ! operator provided shell; not command. using exec's default provider (posix) runs commands directly rather via shell. (or documented do. has come light posix provider runs commands via shell, in apparent contradiction of docs.)

it anyway bit silly use ! in exec's onlyif attribute, when instead drop ! , switch unless attribute instead. , drop redirection, relies on shell.

is right way find out if program installed , executable?

it better know whether program should available on specific target node, , necessary ensure is available. if must inquire node state, better via custom fact.

with said, don't think approach inherently wrong, though of course requested program in path specify in exec.


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