Android ChildFragmentManager().findFragmentById() always null -

i stumbled crazy little 'bug', or i'm doing wrong. trying reference fragment inside fragment. have parentfragment, child of mainactivity. can reference parentfragment without problem, because parentfragment added mainactivity via code:

parentfragment fragment = new parentfragment();  fragmenttransaction transaction = getsupportfragmentmanager().begintransaction();  transaction.replace(, fragment); transaction.commit(); 

i have added childfragment parentfragment via xml this:


<relativelayout ... etc>     .. other views, findviewbyid('') works great on these.     <fragment         android:layout_width="70dp"         android:layout_height="70dp"         android:id="@+id/childfragment1"         android:tag="1"         class=""         android:name=""         tools:layout="@layout/child_fragment" /> </relativelayout> 

all works fine, childfragment(s) show in parentfragment. thing is; cannot find fragmentbyid.

i have tried multiple ways of achieving this, how should done (?) :


didn't work. also, getting activity , using fragment manager doesn't work (.. of course).

i have tried getting fragments in childfragmentmanager, iterating on them etc. returns null:


do have idea why happening? can't use childfragrentmanager if fragments not added via code?


you must add child fragment dynamically. see here:

note: cannot inflate layout fragment when layout includes <fragment>. nested fragments supported when added fragment dynamically.

ps. if planning use nested fragments prepared various strange behaviours, can find them in bug reports android platform:


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