powershell - Matching string of pattern and size -

i want search text file 2 strings. output printed if first string greater 8 characters.

here command trying run:

get-content -path .\std_server*.out | select-string '((if "cpu=" -gt 8)|application=")' | out-file  -width 1024 .\test.txt 

so want search file std_server*.out both values cpu , application, want print these values if value cpu greater 8 characters.

how do that?

currently, have basic version works '(cpu=|application=")', prints out values of cpu, , want application printed out when cpu unreasonably high value (cpu > 8).

thanks in advance.

that nested logic if won't work have seen. need quantifier characters match after cpu= in order define conditional match there. could measure match post processing might create more headache since have work around application=" matches well.

presumably file have string @ start of line , nothing else follows them? ensure correct matches idea use anchors.

also might use export-csv right properties since select-string return matches objects.

$pattern = '^(cpu=.{8,}|application=".*)$' get-content -path .\std_server*.out |          select-string -path  c:\temp\text.txt -pattern $pattern |          select-object path,linenumber,line |          export-csv -notypeinformation .\test.txt 

cpu=.{8,} match "cpu=" literally , @ least 8 characters have follow match. use anchors ensure start end of matches want , nothing more.

you first , last sentences conflict me possible whole match supposed 8 characters perhaps want number 4.


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