github - Immediately after git clone, I see "Changes not staged for commit" and git diff shows changes -

i'm getting weird behaviour when cloning repo developer friend working on. after git clone list of 15 different modified files when checking git status.

when git diff, see actual changes code.

-$this->title = 'create itemtype'; +$this->title = 'create item type'; 

-    <h1><?= html::encode($this->title) ?></h1> -      <?= $this->render('_form', [ 

the result of git status follows:

$ git status on branch master branch up-to-date 'origin/master'. changes not staged commit: (use "git add <file>..." update committed) (use "git checkout -- <file>..." discard changes in working directory)  modified:   backend/models/featuregroupitem.php modified:   backend/models/featuregroupitemsearch.php modified:   backend/models/vendoritemquestionansweroption.php modified:   backend/models/vendoritemquestionansweroptionsearch.php modified:   backend/modules/admin/views/itemtype/_form.php modified:   backend/modules/admin/views/itemtype/create.php modified:   backend/modules/admin/views/itemtype/index.php modified:   backend/modules/admin/views/itemtype/update.php modified:   backend/modules/admin/views/vendoritemquestionansweroption/_form.php modified:   backend/modules/admin/views/vendoritemquestionansweroption/_search.php modified:   backend/modules/admin/views/vendoritemquestionansweroption/create.php modified:   backend/modules/admin/views/vendoritemquestionansweroption/index.php modified:   backend/modules/admin/views/vendoritemquestionansweroption/update.php modified:   backend/modules/admin/views/vendoritemquestionansweroption/view.php  no changes added commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a") 


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