visual studio 2015 - Windows IOT: Failed to start package BlinkyHeadless -

i have been working on windows iot , raspberry pi 2 bit now, work through visual studio 2015. things going fine until wanted run app without visual studio (standalone mode), thats when things started make me go crazy.

error message

the app runs fine in debug, moment go iot web interface run standalone, "failed start package blinkyheadlessvb...". im running exact copy of samples microsoft blinkyheadless.

i have tried building in release mode , deploy, same result (fine through vs failed start itself). raspberry pi running in headless mode. tried checking box "do not launch, debug code when starts", same thing, cannot run web interface. tried building appx file , install through web interface, same thing.

im going crazy, error says failed without explanations anywhere (at least none find).

i feel im missing simple (and stupid).

anybody have ideas? googled hours , couldn't find working solution.

your appreciated..

environment details:

host machine: windows 10

ide: visual studio 2015 community edition update 1

device: raspberry pi 2 model b

device os: windows iot v10.0.10586

project trying run: blinkyheadlessvb

i solved issue. i'm going post solution in case else encountered issue and, hopefully, may them.

first mistake, using manualresetevent block backgroundtask exiting. should have used backgroundtaskdeferral. ex:

private deferral backgroundtaskdeferral public sub run(taskinstance ibackgroundtaskinstance) implements         deferral = taskinstance.getdeferral         'your startup code end sub 

then, after add deferral, wasn't starting web interface, had connected pi through powershell (using enter-pssession) , set application startup app.

  1. removed default startup app:

    iotstartup remove headless zwave

  2. set app default startup:

    iotstartup startup headless myapp

  3. restart , list running app in apps page in web interface..

hope helps out there..



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