ruby on rails - Dynamic url_for with varying amount of nesting -

i'm building helper method allows me pass array options available management of object (like edit, delete, etc.). simplified version of method looks this:

  def management_links(instance, actions, *parent)     actions.each |action|       if (can? action, instance)         has_options = true         case action           when :destroy             options = {content: glyphicon('trash') + " delete #{instance.class.to_s}", class: "delete #{instance.class.to_s.downcase}", method: :delete}             url = url_for [parent, instance]         end       end     end   end 

as can see works objects nested once (passing 1 parent model) structure:


but have model nested twice, won't cut anymore. tried passing array [@grandparent, @parent], doesn't work since url_for has array.

is there way allow me passing 'unlimited' parent objects work url_for?

*parent part of array (if present), why not declare such , push instance it:

def management_links(instance, actions, *parent)     parents = array(parent) if parent     new_url = parents ? parents << instance : instance      actions.each |action|       if (can? action, instance)         has_options = true         case action           when :destroy             options = {content: glyphicon('trash') + " delete #{instance.class.to_s}", class: "delete #{instance.class.to_s.downcase}", method: :delete}             url = url_for new_url         end       end     end end 

i use array() ensure parent correct data type (you may pass single instance of var).

off topic, in pursuit of convention, should read nesting more 1 layer:

resources should never nested more 1 level deep.


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