python - Reading all sections in a config file -

my idea fetch component versions installed in different labs across world. code works when give details explicitly.

my code follows

def uk_pdl_he():     uk_pdl_list = {}     sorted_list = {}     slist = {}     he_string = "uk_pdl_he"     global config     config = configparser.rawconfigparser()     print config.sections()'config.cfg')     env.user = config.get('uk_pdl','db.user_name' )     env.password = config.get('uk_pdl','db.password' )     host = config.get('uk_pdl','db.ip' )     settings(hide('warnings', 'running', 'stdout', 'stderr'), warn_only=true, host_string=host):     paramiko.util.log_to_file('uk_pdl.log')     files = run('ls -ltr /opt/nds')     open("uk_pdl.txt", "w") fo:         fo.write(files)     components = []     open("uk_pdl.txt", 'rb') fo:         strings = ("/installed/")         i=0         line in fo:             if strings in line:                 id ='installed/(.+)',line)                 if id:                 components.append(                 component,version = components[i].rstrip().split('-',1)                 uk_pdl_list[component] = version                 i+=1         write_data(uk_pdl_list, he_string,1) 

the config file follows

[uk_pdl] db.user_name = user db.password = password db.ip = 101.815.117.193  [uk_dth] db.user_name = user db.password = password db.ip = 272.119.411.121 

currently have written functions each ip. instead of how can make sure entries read config 1 one , fetch details?

you loop on sections , build file names dynamically:

def any_he():     global config     config = configparser.rawconfigparser()'config.cfg')     section in config.sections():         list = {} #start empty list each section         env.user = config.get(section, 'db.user_name')         env.password = config.get(section, 'db.password')         host = config.get(section, 'db.ip')         settings(hide('warnings', 'running', 'stdout', 'stderr'), \                         warn_only=true, host_string=host):             paramiko.util.log_to_file(section + '.log')             files = run('ls -ltr /opt/nds')             open(section + ".txt", "w") fo:                 fo.write(files)             components = []             open(section + ".txt", 'rb') fo:                 strings = ("/installed/")                 i=0                 line in fo:                     if strings in line:                         id ='installed/(.+)',line)                         if id:                             components.append(                             component,version = components[i].rstrip().split('-',1)                             list[component] = version                             i+=1             write_data(list, section + "_he", 1) 

the indenting of code seemed wrong @ places, had make assumptions.


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