Filter a sharepoint visual web part through created by column through code -

i created visual web part , loading list in grid. when user login has display items created user a. user b has display items belong user b. here code have display items irrespective of logged in user. can 1 me on this

public void displaylistdata()         {            // system.diagnostics.debugger.break();              datatable dt = new datatable();             var ospweb = spcontext.current.web;             splist osplist = ospweb.lists["participation @ glance"];             string strcreatedby =;             spquery oquery = new spquery();             oquery.query = "<query><where><eq><fieldref name='author' /><value type='user'>" + strcreatedby + "</value></eq></where></query>";             splistitemcollection colllistitems = osplist.getitems(oquery);              datatable dts = colllistitems.getdatatable();              if (dts != null)             {                 gridview1.gridlines = gridlines.none;                 gridview1.datasource = dts;                 gridview1.databind();                 controls.add(gridview1);             }              else`enter code here`             {                  lbl_noact.visible = true;                 lbl_noact.text = "we apologize there no times available.";              }           } 

hi have fixed changing camel query below. data type user when changed string works charm :-)

        datatable dt = new datatable();         var ospweb = spcontext.current.web;         splist osplist = ospweb.lists["participation @ glance"];         string strcreatedby =;         spquery oquery = new spquery();         oquery.query = @"<where><eq><fieldref name='author' /><value type='string'>" + strcreatedby + "</value></eq></where>";         splistitemcollection colllistitems = osplist.getitems(oquery); 


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