angularjs - Angular & Firebase $_SESSION like php? -

im trying membership process angular , firebase.

is there solution, instead of keeping user information in local storage , session storage?

i not want keep local storage etc. sessionstorage. think because not safe.of course,i not keep sensitive information.i need more information on subject.

current login , signup coding.. think right way ? "sorry bad english.."

app.controller('signup',function($scope, $timeout,$sessionstorage, $window, sessions){  $scope.success = false;   $scope.signup = function(){     var ref = new firebase('https://<myfirebase>');     ref.createuser({       email    : $scope.loginemail,       password : $scope.loginpass     }, function(error, userdata) {       if (error) {         console.log("error creating user:", error);         $scope.error = true;         $scope.errortext = error;         alert(error);       } else {         console.log("successfully created user account uid:", userdata.uid);         $scope.success = true;             $timeout(function(){                 $scope.success = false;             },4000);                   }     }); }     $scope.login = function(){     var ref = new firebase("https://<myfirebase>");     ref.authwithpassword({       email    : $scope.loginemail,       password : $scope.loginpass     }, function(error, authdata) {       if (error) {         console.log("login failed!", error);       } else {         console.log("authenticated payload:", authdata);          $window.sessionstorage.userid = authdata.uid;          $window.sessionstorage.login = true;        }     });      } $ = $window.sessionstorage.getitem('login'); }); 

you need create services store user data,


(function(){     'use strict';      angular             .module('app.auth')       /**        * authservice going handle of our auth functions, don't need write them inside controllers.        */             .factory('authservice', authservice);      function authservice($firebaseauth, $firebaseobject, $firebasearray, $state, $firebaseref){      var authuser = $firebaseauth($firebaseref.default); return {             /*                 function receives email, password, name , creates new user                 after user created stores user details in db.             */             signupemail: function(newemail, newpassword, newfullname){          /**          * here we're using angular-fire $createuser create new user, passing email, password ,          * full name.          *          * after we're creating record in db in "userprofile" node, remember,          * creating user doesn't show him/her in db, need create record ourselves.          *          * , catching errors might happen :p          */                     authuser.$createuser({                     email: newemail,                     password: newpassword,                     fullname: newfullname,                 }).then(function(authdata){             authuser.$authwithpassword({               "email": newemail,               "password": newpassword             }).then (function(authdata){                 $firebaseref.default.child("userprofile").child(authdata.uid).set({                 name: newfullname,                 email: newemail,               });               $state.go('menu.inicio');             });                                      }).catch(function(error){                         switch (error.code) {                       case "email_taken":                         alert("bro, someone's using email!");                         break;                       case "invalid_email":                         alert("dude, not email address!");                         break;                       default:                         alert("error creating user:", error);                     }                 });             },        /**        * here login our user in, user angular-fire $authwithpassword assing email , password.        * after send user our dashboard.        */             loginuser: function(email, password){                 authuser.$authwithpassword({                     "email": email,                     "password": password                 }).then (function(authdata){                     $state.go('menu.inicio');                 }).catch(function(error){                     console.log(error);                 });             },              logoutuser: function(){                 authuser.$unauth();                 $state.go('login');             }, userprofiledata: function(userid){                 var userprofileref = $firebaseref.default.child('userprofile').child(userid);                 return $firebaseobject(userprofileref);             }          }      } })(); 

call authcontroller.js:

(function(){     'use strict';      angular             .module('app.auth')             .controller('loginctrl', loginctrl);   /**    * create our controller , inject authservice can connect firebase.    */     loginctrl.$inject = ['$scope', '$state', 'authservice'];    function loginctrl($scope, $state, authservice){     // create variable called 'data', asign empty object , bind scope, handle form data.         $ = {};      /**      * our function pretty simple, username , password form, , send our auth service, that's it.      * auth service take care of else you!      * @return {[type]} [description]      */         $scope.loginemail = function(loginform){             if (loginform.$valid) {                 var email = $;                 var password = $;                 authservice.loginuser(email, password);             };         }     } })(); 

and configure routes , app modules: mainmodule.js

(function(){   'use strict';    angular     .module('app', [              /*             place core , shared modules             */             'app.core',              /*             place features modules, auth.             */             'app.auth', ]);  })(); 


(function(){   'use strict';    angular     .module('app.core', [             'firebase',     ]);  angular     .module('app.core')     .run(['$rootscope', '$state',          function( $rootscope, $state) {                 /*cath stateerror un-authenticated users                 */                 $rootscope.$on("$statechangeerror", function(event, tostate, toparams, fromstate, fromparams, error){                 if (error === "auth_required") {                     $state.go('login');                 };             });         }])   .config(function($firebaserefprovider) {     $firebaserefprovider.registerurl('https://<url>');   });  })(); 

finally when call route declare resolve statement:


(function(){    angular     .module('app.core')     .config(['$stateprovider', '$urlrouterprovider',         function($stateprovider, $urlrouterprovider) {              $stateprovider                 .state('login', {                     url: '/login',                     templateurl: 'app/auth/login/login.html',                     controller: 'loginctrl',                 })               .state('mytablewithinfo', {                 url: '/mwinfo',                 resolve: {                 user: function($firebaseauthservice) {                   return $firebaseauthservice.$requireauth();               }               },                 views: {                   'my-view-name': {                     templateurl: 'app/core/templates/mypage.html',                     controller: 'myctrl',                   }                 }               })               ;             $urlrouterprovider.otherwise('login');     }]); })(); 

and when create service call onauth "$_session" info

ref.onauth(function(authdata) {   if (authdata) {       // user signed in!   uid = authdata.uid; }   }); 


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