c++ - How can I use POCO to parse an xml file and extract a particular node to a std::string? -
i want extract individual node using poco's libraries can't figure out how it. i'm new xml. the xml looks (abbreviated): <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- created xmlprettyprinter on 11/28/2012 --> <sbml xmlns = "http://www.sbml.org/sbml/level2/version4" level = "2" version = "4"> <model id = "cell"> <listofspecies> </listofspecies> <listofparameters> <parameter id = "kk1" value = "1"/> </listofparameters> <listofreactions> <reaction id = "j1" reversible = "false"> ... stuff here .. </listofreactions> </model> </sbml> i want extract in listofreactions node , store in std::string, later md5 hashing. i have tried this: ifstream in(joinpath(gtestdatafolder, "test_1.xml").c_str()); inputsource src(in); domparser parser; autoptr<document>...