statistics - How can I export a counter that resets every restart to bosun and trust the absolute number? -
i sending counter can reset @ point. sent counter every 5 seconds don't reset every 5 seconds, when app restarts, regularly.
i need able tell how many impressions did server got last week, can't sum() because bosun add 10, 12, 15, 25, 0, 1, 5, 10.... so, take in account rate calculation, not summing or other thing.
would bosun handle better if restarted counter every time send it? seems easier, docs on bosun/opentsdb state not necessary , not it.
opentsdb should automatically handle sum/average aggregation of counters when use them rate instead of raw gauge. takes 2 sample points , calculates difference, giving total "impressions" between 2 sample points. note may change value "per second" since standard opentsdb.
whenever second value lower first, opentsdb disregard datapoint , wait next data point sent before continue rate calculations. reason should try , minimize counter resets or overflows if possible (anything less hour may cause noticeable artifacts).
we use special /api/count route on tsdbrelay aggregate incremental counts multiple hosts more "stable" counter metrics on our web tier, since gets built , counter resets impacting our alerts , monitoring dashboard. if of interest stop bosun slack room more details.
i highly advise watch bosun fundamentals playlist describe use of gauge vs counter in more detail.
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