ruby on rails - No route matches {:action=>"edit", :controller=>"comments", :id=>nil, :ribbit_id=>"18"} missing required keys: [:id] -

here's routes file:

resources :ribbits   resources :comments end 

here's comments_controller.rb edit action:

def edit   @ribbit = ribbit.find(params[:ribbit_id])   @comment = @ribbit.comments.find(params[:id])   redirect_to @user unless @user == current_user end 

and that's view:

<% @ribbit.comments.each |comment| %>   <div class="comment">     <% comment_user = comment.user%>     <img src="<%= comment_user.avatar_url unless comment_user.blank?%>">     <%= if comment.user %>     <p>       <%= comment.body if comment %>     </p>     <%= link_to "edit", edit_ribbit_comment_path(@ribbit, comment) %>   </div> <% end %> 

i getting error:

no route matches {:action=>"edit", :controller=>"comments", :id=>nil, :ribbit_id=>"18"} missing required keys: [:id]

would grateful help!

issue in rabbit controller action.

in show action creating new comment rabit newly created comment not saved in database , not have id yet. in view error occurs there not id comment.

i don't know why creating comment if need should have check edit link create link if record created. because make no sense edit record not created yet.

so work

<%= link_to "edit", edit_ribbit_comment_path(@ribbit, comment) unless comment.new_record?%> 


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