javascript - dist folder generated using grunt build not working -

i working on angular application created using yeoman , using grunt , bower task execution , dependency management respectively.

application runs fine when run application using grunt serve when try run application deployment using grunt serve:dist getting error on console:-

http://localhost:9000/dist/views/pages/login.html 404 not found

and goes infinite loop. have attached browser console screenshot herefirefox console error

can guide me error or start debugging pretty new angular, bower, grunt , node.

please let me know if else needed

grunt serve --verbose output

e:\workspaces\scfs\sentinal>grunt serve --verbose initializing command-line options: --verbose  reading "gruntfile.js" gruntfile...ok  registering gruntfile tasks. initializing config...ok loading "gruntfile.js" tasks...ok + build, default, serve, server, test  running tasks: serve  running "serve" task  loading "grunt-contrib-clean" plugin  registering "e:\workspaces\scfs\sentinal\node_modules\grunt-contrib-clean\tasks" tasks. loading "clean.js" tasks...ok + clean  running "clean:server" (clean) task verifying property clean.server exists in config...ok files: .tmp -> server options: force=false, no-write=false cleaning .tmp... >> 1 path cleaned.  loading "grunt-wiredep" plugin  registering "e:\workspaces\scfs\sentinal\node_modules\grunt-wiredep\tasks" tasks. loading "wiredep.js" tasks...ok + wiredep  running "wiredep" task  running "wiredep:app" (wiredep) task verifying property exists in config...ok files: scfs/index.html verifying property exists in config...ok options: src=["scfs/index.html"], ignorepath={}  running "wiredep:test" (wiredep) task verifying property wiredep.test exists in config...ok files: test/karma.conf.js verifying property wiredep.test.src exists in config...ok options: devdependencies, src="test/karma.conf.js", ignorepath={}, filetypes={"js":{"block":{},"detect":{"js":{}},"replace":{"js":"'{{filepath}}',"}}}  loading "grunt-concurrent" plugin  registering "e:\workspaces\scfs\sentinal\node_modules\grunt-concurrent\tasks" tasks. loading "concurrent.js" tasks...ok + concurrent  running "concurrent:server" (concurrent) task verifying property concurrent.server exists in config...ok files: [no src] -> server options: limit=8  initializing command-line options: --verbose  reading "gruntfile.js" gruntfile...ok  registering gruntfile tasks. initializing config...ok loading "gruntfile.js" tasks...ok + build, default, serve, server, test  running tasks: copy:styles  loading "grunt-contrib-copy" plugin  registering "e:\workspaces\scfs\sentinal\node_modules\grunt-contrib-copy\tasks" tasks. loading "copy.js" tasks...ok + copy  running "copy:styles" (copy) task verifying property copy.styles exists in config...ok files: scfs/styles/main.css -> .tmp/styles/main.css files: scfs/styles/sb-admin-2.css -> .tmp/styles/sb-admin-2.css files: scfs/styles/timeline.css -> .tmp/styles/timeline.css options: encoding="utf8", processcontent=false, processcontentexclude=[], timestamp=false, mode=false copying scfs/styles/main.css -> .tmp/styles/main.css reading scfs/styles/main.css...ok writing .tmp/styles/main.css...ok copying scfs/styles/sb-admin-2.css -> .tmp/styles/sb-admin-2.css reading scfs/styles/sb-admin-2.css...ok writing .tmp/styles/sb-admin-2.css...ok copying scfs/styles/timeline.css -> .tmp/styles/timeline.css reading scfs/styles/timeline.css...ok writing .tmp/styles/timeline.css...ok copied 3 files  done, without errors.   execution time (2016-01-28 13:01:14 utc) loading tasks               318ms  ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ 45% loading grunt-contrib-copy  301ms  ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ 43% copy:styles                  83ms  ¦¦¦¦¦ 12% total 703ms  loading "grunt-postcss" plugin  registering "e:\workspaces\scfs\sentinal\node_modules\grunt-postcss\tasks" tasks. loading "postcss.js" tasks...ok + postcss  running "postcss:server" (postcss) task verifying property postcss.server exists in config...ok files: .tmp/styles/main.css -> .tmp/styles/main.css files: .tmp/styles/sb-admin-2.css -> .tmp/styles/sb-admin-2.css files: .tmp/styles/timeline.css -> .tmp/styles/timeline.css options: processors=[null], map, diff=false, safe=false reading .tmp/styles/main.css...ok reading .tmp/styles/sb-admin-2.css...ok reading .tmp/styles/timeline.css...ok writing .tmp/styles/main.css...ok file .tmp/styles/main.css created. writing .tmp/styles/sb-admin-2.css...ok file .tmp/styles/sb-admin-2.css created. writing .tmp/styles/timeline.css...ok file .tmp/styles/timeline.css created. >> 3 processed stylesheets created.  loading "grunt-contrib-connect" plugin  registering "e:\workspaces\scfs\sentinal\node_modules\grunt-contrib-connect\tasks" tasks. loading "connect.js" tasks...ok + connect  running "connect:livereload" (connect) task verifying property connect.livereload exists in config...ok file: [no files] options: protocol="http", port=9000, hostname="localhost", base=".", directory=null, keepalive=false, debug=false, livereload=35729, open, useavailableport=false, oncreateserver=null, middleware=undefined started connect web server on http://localhost:9000  loading "grunt-contrib-watch" plugin  registering "e:\workspaces\scfs\sentinal\node_modules\grunt-contrib-watch\tasks" tasks. loading "watch.js" tasks...ok + watch  running "watch" task waiting... verifying property watch exists in config...ok verifying property watch.bower.files exists in config...ok verifying property watch.js.files exists in config...ok verifying property watch.jstest.files exists in config...ok verifying property watch.styles.files exists in config...ok verifying property watch.gruntfile.files exists in config...ok verifying property watch.livereload.files exists in config...ok live reload server started on port: 35729 watching bower.json changes. watching .tmp changes. watching bower_components changes. watching dist changes. watching node_modules changes. watching scfs changes. watching test changes. watching scfs\scripts\app.js changes. watching scfs\scripts\controllers changes. watching scfs\scripts\directives changes. watching scfs\scripts\services changes. watching scfs\scripts\shared changes. watching scfs\scripts\app1.js changes. watching scfs\scripts\constants.js changes. watching scfs\scripts\controllers\chartcontoller.js changes. watching scfs\scripts\controllers\dashboard changes. watching scfs\scripts\controllers\user changes. watching scfs\scripts\controllers\form.js changes. watching scfs\scripts\controllers\login.js changes. watching scfs\scripts\services\auth.resolver.js changes. watching scfs\scripts\services\authentication.service.js changes. watching scfs\scripts\services\datatable.service.js changes. watching scfs\scripts\services\map.service.js changes. watching scfs\scripts\services\user.service.js changes. watching scfs\scripts\shared\flash.service.js changes. watching scfs\scripts\shared\session.js changes. watching test\spec\controllers\about.js changes. watching test\spec\controllers\main.js changes. watching scfs\styles\main.css changes. watching scfs\styles\sb-admin-2.css changes. watching scfs\styles\timeline.css changes. watching gruntfile.js changes. watching .tmp changes. watching bower_components changes. watching dist changes. watching node_modules changes. watching scfs changes. watching test changes. watching scfs\404.html changes. watching scfs\bower_components changes. watching scfs\images changes. watching scfs\js changes. watching scfs\scripts changes. watching scfs\styles changes. watching scfs\views changes. watching scfs\index.html changes. watching scfs\views\chart.html changes. watching scfs\views\dashboard changes. watching scfs\views\drivers changes. watching scfs\views\pages changes. watching scfs\views\settings changes. watching scfs\views\ui-elements changes. watching scfs\views\unit changes. watching scfs\views\user changes. watching scfs\views\usertype changes. watching scfs\views\vehicle changes. watching scfs\views\form.html changes. 

gruntfile.js connect config:-

connect: {   options: {     port: 9000,     // change '' access server outside.     hostname: 'localhost',     livereload: 35729   },   livereload: {     options: {       open: true,       middleware: function (connect) {         return [           connect.static('.tmp'),           connect().use(             '/bower_components',             connect.static('./bower_components')           ),           connect().use(             '/app/styles',             connect.static('./app/styles')           ),           connect.static(         ];       }     }   },   test: {     options: {       port: 9001,       middleware: function (connect) {         return [           connect.static('.tmp'),           connect.static('test'),           connect().use(             '/bower_components',             connect.static('./bower_components')           ),           connect.static(         ];       }     }   },   dist: {     options: {       open: true,       base: '<%= yeoman.dist %>'     }   } } 

try execute grunt command, without anything


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