iOS app does not show alert for permission of Addressbook access -
i working on app required show contacts.
it working fine on xcode 6.2. when run project on xcode 7.2, not asking permission alert.
i write following method permission.
-(void)requestaddressbookaccess { contactsviewcontroller * __weak weakself = self; abaddressbookrequestaccesswithcompletion(self.addressbook, ^(bool granted, cferrorref error) { if (granted) { dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ [weakself accessgrantedforaddressbook]; }); } }); }
it give granted = false
, error = nil
any appreciated.
in ios 9 have use contacts framework addressbook framework depricated
-(void)addressbookauthorizationusingcontacts { //#import #import <contacts/contacts.h> // request authorization address book using contacts cncontactstore *store = [[cncontactstore alloc] init]; [store requestaccessforentitytype:cnentitytypecontacts completionhandler:^(bool granted, nserror * _nullable error) { if (granted == yes) { //keys fetching properties nsarray *keys = @[cncontactfamilynamekey, cncontactgivennamekey, cncontactphonenumberskey, cncontactimagedatakey]; nsstring *containerid = store.defaultcontaineridentifier; nspredicate *predicate = [cncontact predicateforcontactsincontainerwithidentifier:containerid]; nserror *error; nsarray *cncontacts = [store unifiedcontactsmatchingpredicate:predicate keystofetch:keys error:&error]; if (error) { nslog(@"error fetching contacts %@", error); } else { nsstring *phone; nsstring *fullname; nsstring *firstname; nsstring *lastname; uiimage *profileimage; nsmutablearray *contactnumbersarray = [[nsmutablearray alloc]init]; nsmutablearray *contactsarray = [[nsmutablearray alloc]init]; (cncontact *contact in cncontacts) { // copy data custom contacts class. firstname = contact.givenname; lastname = contact.familyname; if (lastname == nil) { fullname=[nsstring stringwithformat:@"%@",firstname]; }else if (firstname == nil){ fullname=[nsstring stringwithformat:@"%@",lastname]; } else{ fullname=[nsstring stringwithformat:@"%@ %@",firstname,lastname]; } uiimage *image = [uiimage imagewithdata:contact.imagedata]; if (image != nil) { profileimage = image; }else{ profileimage = [uiimage imagenamed:@"person-icon.png"]; } (cnlabeledvalue *label in contact.phonenumbers) { phone = [label.value stringvalue]; if ([phone length] > 0) { [contactnumbersarray addobject:phone]; } } nsdictionary* persondict = [[nsdictionary alloc] initwithobjectsandkeys: fullname,@"fullname",profileimage,@"userimage",phone,@"phonenumbers", nil]; [contactsarray addobject:persondict]; nslog(@"the contactsarray - %@",contactsarray); } dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{ [tableviewcontacts reloaddata]; }); } } }]; }
the output results are
the contactsarray - ( { fullname = "john appleseed"; }, { fullname = "kate bell"; }, { fullname = "anna haro"; }, { fullname = "daniel higgins"; }, { fullname = "david taylor"; }, { fullname = "hank zakroff"; } )
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