java - Spring-Hibernate integration : Unable to persist -

i'm trying use hibernate in spring framework. following files : :

package com.springstarter;      public class employee     {         private int id;          private string name;          private float salary;          public employee()         {         }          public employee( int id, string name, float salary )         {             super();    = id;    = name;             this.salary = salary;         }          public int getid()         {             return id;         }          public void setid( int id )         {    = id;         }          public string getname()         {             return name;         }          public void setname( string name )         {    = name;         }          public float getsalary()         {             return salary;         }          public void setsalary( float salary )         {             this.salary = salary;         }      }      package com.springstarter;      import java.util.arraylist;     import java.util.list;      import org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.hibernatetemplate;      public class employeedao     {         hibernatetemplate template;          public void settemplate( hibernatetemplate template )         {             this.template = template;         }          public void saveemployee( employee e )         {    e );         }          public void updateemployee( employee e )         {             template.update( e );         }          public void deleteemployee( employee e )         {             template.delete( e );         }          public employee getbyid( int id )         {             employee e = ( employee ) template.get( employee.class, id );             return e;         }          public list<employee> getemployees()         {             list<employee> list = new arraylist<employee>();             list = template.loadall( employee.class );             return list;         }     } 

driver class :

package com.springstarter;  import org.springframework.context.applicationcontext; import;  public class springormapp {     public static void main( string[] args )     {         applicationcontext ctx = new classpathxmlapplicationcontext( "springstarter.xml" );         employeedao dao = ( employeedao ) ctx.getbean( "edao" );         system.out.println( ( ( employee ) dao.getbyid( 1 ) ).getname() );     } } 

beans xml file :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <beans xmlns=""     xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:p=""     xsi:schemalocation=" ">     <bean id="datasource"         class="org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.drivermanagerdatasource">         <property name="driverclassname" value="oracle.jdbc.oracledriver" />         <property name="url" value="jdbc:oracle:thin:@[]:1521:roc12c" />         <property name="username" value="milli_sec" />         <property name="password" value="milli_sec" />     </bean>     <bean id="mysessionfactory"         class="org.springframework.orm.hibernate4.localsessionfactorybean">         <property name="datasource" ref="datasource"></property>         <property name="mappingresources">             <list>                 <value>employee.hbm.xml</value>             </list>         </property>         <property name="hibernateproperties">             <props>                 <prop key="hibernate.dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.oracle9dialect</prop>                 <prop key="">update</prop>                 <prop key="hibernate.show_sql">true</prop>             </props>         </property>     </bean>     <bean id="template" class="org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.hibernatetemplate">         <property name="sessionfactory" ref="mysessionfactory"></property>     </bean>      <bean id="edao" class="com.springstarter.employeedao">         <property name="template" ref="template"></property>     </bean> </beans>   

employee.hbm.xml file

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>   <!doctype hibernate-mapping public   "-//hibernate/hibernate mapping dtd 3.0//en"   "">  <hibernate-mapping>     <class name="com.springstarter.employee" table="employee">         <id name="id">             <generator class="assigned"></generator>         </id>         <property name="name"></property>         <property name="salary"></property>     </class> </hibernate-mapping>   

enter image description here

no compilation issues.but expecting employee object of id 1. following logs.

info: hhh000397: using astquerytranslatorfactory jan 28, 2016 4:28:15 pm org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.schemaupdate execute info: hhh000228: running hbm2ddl schema update jan 28, 2016 4:28:15 pm org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.schemaupdate execute info: hhh000102: fetching database metadata jan 28, 2016 4:28:16 pm org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.schemaupdate execute info: hhh000396: updating schema jan 28, 2016 4:28:46 pm org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.tablemetadata <init> info: hhh000261: table found: milli_sec.employee jan 28, 2016 4:28:46 pm org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.tablemetadata <init> info: hhh000037: columns: [id, name, salary] jan 28, 2016 4:28:46 pm org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.tablemetadata <init> info: hhh000108: foreign keys: [] jan 28, 2016 4:28:46 pm org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.tablemetadata <init> info: hhh000126: indexes: [employee_pk] jan 28, 2016 4:28:46 pm org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.schemaupdate execute info: hhh000232: schema update complete 

i think, main issue don't use transactions. reading data hibernate need transactions too. need extend springstarter.xml configuration transaction manager. can use @transactional annotation or add transactions methods methods masks in springstarter.xml.

and there problems in code


should be


public list<employee> getemployees() {     list<employee> list = new arraylist<employee>();     list = template.loadall( employee.class );     return list; } 


public list<employee> getemployees() {     return template.loadall( employee.class ); } 


hibernatetemplate template; 

should be

private hibernatetemplate template; 


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