Objective C: Fetch value from dictionary -

my "savedata" dictionary looks this:

{     adresser =     {         "completed_status" =         {             finished = 4;             total = 5;         };     ... } 

and "dorder" dictionary looks this

{     id = 1924;     name = adresser;     order = 0; } 

and snippet of code

nsdictionary * savedata = [self dbreadformdata:_objectid];  (nsdictionary * dorder in dictformsections[@"order"]) {      nsstring * segname = dorder[@"name"];      nslog(@"finished: %@", savedata[segname][@"completed_status"][@"finished"]);     nslog(@"total: %@", savedata[segname][@"completed_status"][@"total"]);      nsstring * vfinished = [savedata objectforkey:savedata[segname][@"completed_status"][@"finished"]];     nsstring * vtotal = [savedata objectforkey:savedata[segname][@"completed_status"][@"total"]];      nsstring * ssection = [nsstring stringwithformat:@"%@  -  %@ / %@", segname, vfinished, vtotal];     [rx insertsegmentwithtitle:ssection atindex:rx.numberofsegments animated:no]; } 

the nslog's return correct values. (4 , 5) nsstrings nil.

what doing wrong?

thank you!

as mentioned @arc676, have :

nslog(@"finished: %@", savedata[segname][@"completed_status"][@"finished"]); 


nsstring * vfinished = [savedata objectforkey:savedata[segname][@"completed_status"][@"finished"]]; 

however, not same. shouldn't vfinished like:

nsstring* vfinished = savedata[segname][@"completed_status"][@"finished"]; 


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