ios - How to Rotate Core Text in Swift? -

so have following code rotates cgcontext position text should be:

var nums: int = 0 let onums: [int] = [3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1,2]  in 0..<60 {     cgcontextsavegstate(ctx)     cgcontexttranslatectm(ctx, rect.width / 2, rect.height / 2)     cgcontextrotatectm(ctx, cgfloat(6.0 * double(i) * m_pi / 180))     cgcontextsetstrokecolorwithcolor(ctx, uicolor.graycolor().cgcolor)     cgcontextmovetopoint(ctx, 72, 0)     cgcontextsetlinewidth(ctx, 3.0)     cgcontextaddlinetopoint(ctx, 42, 0)     drawtext(ctx!, text: getroman(onums[nums]), attributes: [nsforegroundcolorattributename : uicolor.blackcolor().cgcolor, nsfontattributename : uifont.systemfontofsize(12)], x: 42, y: 0, align: cgfloat(6.0 * double(i) * m_pi / 180))     nums++ } 

where drawtext(_:) is:

func drawtext(context: cgcontextref, text: nsstring, attributes: [string: anyobject], x: cgfloat, y: cgfloat, align: cgfloat) -> cgsize {     cgcontexttranslatectm(context, 0, 0)     cgcontextscalectm(context, 1, -1)     let font = attributes[nsfontattributename] as! uifont     let attributedstring = nsattributedstring(string: text string, attributes: attributes)      let textsize = text.sizewithattributes(attributes)      let textpath    = cgpathcreatewithrect(cgrect(x: x, y: y + font.descender, width: ceil(textsize.width), height: ceil(textsize.height)), nil)     let framesetter = ctframesettercreatewithattributedstring(attributedstring)     let frame       = ctframesettercreateframe(framesetter, cfrange(location: 0, length: attributedstring.length), textpath, nil)      ctframedraw(frame, context)      return textsize } 

and getroman(_:) is:

func getroman(numeral: int) -> string {switch numeral {case 1:return "i"case 2:return "ii"case 3:return "iii"case 4:return "iv"case 5:return "v"case 6:return "vi"case 7:return "vii"case 8:return "viii"case 9:return "ix"case 10:return "x"case 11:return "xi"case 12:return "xii"default:return ""}} 

the issue, prints text rotated angle (the desired result text angled same degree (standard text orientation))

is there way rotate core text?

regards, brandon


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