setuptools - python sdist and custom setup keywords don't play together -

subtitle: not sdist

i trying file of package i'm working on play nicely sdist. relevant parts of file are:

from setuptools.command.test import test [...] class tox(test):    "as described in"    [...] def run_tests(self):     if self.distribution.install_requires:         self.distribution.fetch_build_eggs(             self.distribution.install_requires)     if self.distribution.tox_requires:         self.distribution.fetch_build_eggs(self.distribution.tox_requires)     # import here, cause outside eggs aren't loaded     import tox     import shlex     args = self.tox_args     if args:         args = shlex.split(self.tox_args)     else:         args = ""     errno = tox.cmdline(args=args)     sys.exit(errno)   entry_points ={} distutils_ext = {'distutils.setup_keywords': [                     "tox_requires = setuptools.dist:check_requirements", ]                  } entry_points.update(distutils_ext)  setup(       install_requires=['six', 'numpy', 'matplotlib', 'scipy', 'astropy>=1',                   'pillow', ],      cmdclass={         'test': pytest,  # run python test         'tox': tox,     },      # list of packages , data     packages=find_packages(),      # tests     tests_require=['pytest', 'pytest-cov'],     tox_requires=['tox'],     # other keywords, metadata ) 

if run python sdist, warning @ beginning:

/usr/lib/python2.7/distutils/ userwarning: unknown distribution option: 'tox_requires'   warnings.warn(msg) 

but sdist works fine , creates tar.gz file can use install package.

but if run second time, starts (it's beginning of pillow building):

warning: no previously-included files found matching '.editorconfig' building using 4 processes _imaging.c: in function ‘getink’: 

and begins building required packages .eggs directory.

if remove *egg-info directory can rerun command. if comment out tox_requires=[...] line, can build sdist many times want.

now according setuptools documentation command above should correct way run add new arguments setup function.

as per subtitle, problem not sdist it's due non-understanding on how setuptools , requirements work.

if run python tox in place without tox installed get, after installation of testing package should not install (namely pytest , pytest-cov):

traceback (most recent call last): [...] file "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/setuptools/command/", line 127, in with_project_on_sys_path func() file "", line 65, in run_tests if self.distribution.tox_requires: attributeerror: distribution instance has no attribute 'tox_requires'

[update] tox_requires confuse badly pip during installation. if commented out can install package without issue; otherwise begins compile source of packages , systematically fails because doesn't find numpy while building stuff scipy

how can setuptools recognize , use tox_requires?

once issue fixed, think can rid of spurious installations here doing better job @ implementing tox class, maybe overriding more things test or deriving directly command

complete (working) solution described below consist of 8 files (incl. short readme.rst) , has in total 43 lines of code. less code in original question.

despite of being short, supports many development , testing scenarios in convenient way.

anyway, not answer question, sure, fulfils requirements behind it.

three lines long

technically may possible put test command including tox automation, however, result may messy , difficult understand.

the same result can achieved in simpler way:

  • for developer assume:

    • using git
    • having tox installed system
  • for package user:

    • there no special requirements install resulting package
  • (optional) if want users test package single command , keep test reports collected in central server:

    • install devpi-server , give users access it
    • ask users install $ pip install devpi

the solution builds on following tools , packages:

  • pbr: simplify package creation incl. versioning via git tags , creation of authors , changelog git commit messages.
  • pytest: excelent testing framework, other framework can used instead of it.
  • tox: excellent build , test automation tool.
  • coverage: tools measure test coverage (working simpler pytest-cov)

optionally may use:

  • devpi-server: private pypi server password protected access. allows simple testing , provides test reports collection.
  • devpi: tool similar pip. apart installation supports running tox defined tests (install, run tests, publish reports in on step).

authoring package

create new project directory , initialize git:

$ mkdir francesco $ cd francesco $ git init 

create package or module

here create single module francesco, same works more modules or packages.

def main():     print("hi, me, francesco, keeping things simple.") 


create list of packages actual installation of package:



define packages required testing:

pytest coverage 


initiate test suite:

from francesco import main   def test_this():     main()     print("all seems fine me")     assert true

did dream of stupid simple here goes:

from setuptools import setup  setup(setup_requires=["pbr"], pbr=true) 


metadata belong configuration file:

[metadata] name = francesco author = francesco montesano author-email = summary = nice , installed python module supporting testing in different pythons description-file = readme.rst [files] modules=francesco [entry_points] console_scripts =     francesco = francesco:main 


to configure tox automated builds , tests:

[tox] envlist = py27, py34  [testenv] commands =     coverage run --source francesco -m pytest -sv tests     coverage report     coverage html deps =     -rtest_requirements.txt 


never forget readme.rst:

=========================================== complex package 3 line long `` ===========================================  can keep`` simple , still support automated testing?  ... 

tox: build sdist , run tests in supported python versions

being in project directory root, run single command tox:

$ tox glob sdist-make: /home/javl/sandbox/setuppy/ py27 inst-nodeps: /home/javl/sandbox/setuppy/.tox/dist/ py27 runtests: pythonhashseed='2409409075' py27 runtests: commands[0] | coverage run --source francesco -m pytest -sv tests ============================= test session starts ============================== platform linux2 -- python 2.7.9, pytest-2.8.7, py-1.4.31, pluggy-0.3.1 -- /home/javl/sandbox/setuppy/.tox/py27/bin/python2.7 cachedir: .cache rootdir: /home/javl/sandbox/setuppy, inifile:  collecting ... collected 1 items  tests/ hi, me, francesco, keeping things simple. seems fine me passed  =========================== 1 passed in 0.01 seconds =========================== py27 runtests: commands[1] | coverage report name           stmts   miss  cover ----------------------------------       2      0   100% py27 runtests: commands[2] | coverage html py34 inst-nodeps: /home/javl/sandbox/setuppy/.tox/dist/ py34 runtests: pythonhashseed='2409409075' py34 runtests: commands[0] | coverage run --source francesco -m pytest -sv tests ============================= test session starts ============================== platform linux -- python 3.4.2, pytest-2.8.7, py-1.4.31, pluggy-0.3.1 -- /home/javl/sandbox/setuppy/.tox/py34/bin/python3.4 cachedir: .cache rootdir: /home/javl/sandbox/setuppy, inifile:  collecting ... collected 1 items  tests/ hi, me, francesco, keeping things simple. seems fine me passed  =========================== 1 passed in 0.01 seconds =========================== py34 runtests: commands[1] | coverage report name           stmts   miss  cover ----------------------------------       2      0   100% py34 runtests: commands[2] | coverage html ___________________________________ summary ____________________________________   py27: commands succeeded   py34: commands succeeded   congratulations :) 

getting sdist

ls .tox/dist 

developing in python 2.7 virtualenv

activate python 2.7 virtualenv

$ source .tox/py27/bin/activate 

run tests

(py27) $ py.test -sv tests  ============================================================================================== test session starts =============================================================================================== platform linux2 -- python 2.7.9, pytest-2.8.7, py-1.4.31, pluggy-0.3.1 -- /home/javl/sandbox/setuppy/.tox/py27/bin/python2.7 cachedir: .cache rootdir: /home/javl/sandbox/setuppy, inifile: collected 1 items  tests/ hi, me, francesco, keeping things simple. seems fine me passed  ============================================================================================ 1 passed in 0.01 seconds ============================================================================================ 

measure test coverage

(py27)$ coverage run --source francesco -m pytest -sv tests ..... (py27)$ coverage report name           stmts   miss  cover ----------------------------------       2      0   100% 

view coverage report in web browser

(py27)$ coverage html (py27)$ firefox htmlcov/index.html 

release new package version

(optional) install local devpi-server

the installation of devpi-server not covered here, simple, especially, if install local machine personal testing.

commit source code, assign version tag

make sure, source code commited.

assing version tag:

$ git tag -a 0.1 

rerun tests tox , build sdist

make sure, have deactivated virtualenv (otherwise conflicts tox):

(py27)$ deactivate 

run tox:

$ tox ..... builds usual, may fail, if have forgotten commit changes or files... 

find sdist new version of package:

$ ls .tox/dist/francesco-0.1.0. .tox/dist/ 

you done. may distribute new tested versions of package users usually.

(optional) upload sdist devpi-server , test locally

following steps assume, have devpi-server installed , running.

$ devpi login javl ...enter password... $ devpi upload .tox/dist/ 

test package in clean environment

(deactivate virtualenv if active) :

$ cd /tmp $ mkdir testing $ cd testing $ devpi test francesco received http://localhost:3141/javl/dev/+f/4f7/c13fee84bb7c8/ unpacking /tmp/devpi-test6/downloads/ /tmp/devpi-test6/zip /tmp/devpi-test6/zip/francesco-0.1.0$ tox --installpkg /tmp/devpi-test6/downloads/ -i all=http://localhost:3141/javl/dev/+simple/ --recreate --result-json /tmp/devpi-test6/zip/toxreport.json -c /tmp/devpi-test6/zip/francesco-0.1.0/tox.ini py27 create: /tmp/devpi-test6/zip/francesco-0.1.0/.tox/py27 py27 installdeps: -rtest_requirements.txt py27 inst: /tmp/devpi-test6/downloads/ py27 installed: coverage==4.0.3,francesco==0.1.0,py==1.4.31,pytest==2.8.7,six==1.10.0,wheel==0.24.0 py27 runtests: pythonhashseed='3916044270' py27 runtests: commands[0] | coverage run --source francesco -m pytest -sv tests ============================= test session starts ============================== platform linux2 -- python 2.7.9, pytest-2.8.7, py-1.4.31, pluggy-0.3.1 -- /tmp/devpi-test6/zip/francesco-0.1.0/.tox/py27/bin/python2.7 cachedir: .cache rootdir: /tmp/devpi-test6/zip/francesco-0.1.0, inifile: collecting ... collected 1 items  tests/ hi, me, francesco, keeping things simple. seems fine me passed  =========================== 1 passed in 0.01 seconds =========================== py27 runtests: commands[1] | coverage report name           stmts   miss  cover ----------------------------------       2      0   100% py27 runtests: commands[2] | coverage html py34 create: /tmp/devpi-test6/zip/francesco-0.1.0/.tox/py34 py34 installdeps: -rtest_requirements.txt py34 inst: /tmp/devpi-test6/downloads/ py34 installed: coverage==4.0.3,francesco==0.1.0,py==1.4.31,pytest==2.8.7,six==1.10.0,wheel==0.24.0 py34 runtests: pythonhashseed='3916044270' py34 runtests: commands[0] | coverage run --source francesco -m pytest -sv tests ============================= test session starts ============================== platform linux -- python 3.4.2, pytest-2.8.7, py-1.4.31, pluggy-0.3.1 -- /tmp/devpi-test6/zip/francesco-0.1.0/.tox/py34/bin/python3.4 cachedir: .cache rootdir: /tmp/devpi-test6/zip/francesco-0.1.0, inifile: collecting ... collected 1 items  tests/ hi, me, francesco, keeping things simple. seems fine me passed  =========================== 1 passed in 0.01 seconds =========================== py34 runtests: commands[1] | coverage report name           stmts   miss  cover ----------------------------------       2      0   100% py34 runtests: commands[2] | coverage html ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ summary _____________________________________________________________________________________________________   py27: commands succeeded   py34: commands succeeded   congratulations :) wrote json report at: /tmp/devpi-test6/zip/toxreport.json posting tox result data http://localhost:3141/javl/dev/+f/4f7/c13fee84bb7c8/ posted tox result data 

you may check test results in web browser:

$ firefox http://localhost:3141 

then search "francesco" package, click package name, find in table column named "tox results", click there show environment set , test results.

let users test package

let's assume, devpi-server running , user has access it.

the user shall have devpi command installed:

$ pip install devpi 

(note, tool not installing devpi-server)

help user gain access devpi-server (not covering here).

then user runs test:

$ devpi test francesco 

after test run (it automatically using tox, user not have care that), find test results on same place on devpi web interface found yours before.


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