timestamp - Convert unix epoch time to a date in Apache Derby -

is there function in apache derby can convert unix epoch time value (eg. 1453974057 ) date?

if have seconds since unix epoch, use:

select     {fn timestampadd(sql_tsi_second, 1453974057, timestamp('1970-01-01-')) } dt sysibm.sysdummy1 

just replace "sysibm.sysdummy1" original table, , replace 1453974057 value.

when dealing milliseconds gets bit more complicated because can't use timestampadd directly (you sql state 22003: resulting value outside range data type integer.)

if have milliseconds since unix epoch, use:

select     --the following block converts milliseconds since linux epoch timestamp     { fn timestampadd(         sql_tsi_frac_second,         (             --add millisecond component             1453974057235 - { fn timestampdiff(                 sql_tsi_second,                 timestamp('1970-01-01-'),                 { fn timestampadd(sql_tsi_second, 1453974057235/1000, timestamp('1970-01-01-')) }             )} * 1000          ) * 1000000,          { fn timestampadd(sql_tsi_second, 1453974057235/1000, timestamp('1970-01-01-')) }     )} final_dt sysibm.sysdummy1 

just replace 3 instances of 1453974057235 value.


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