php - Route "does not exist" in Symfony even though it's declared in main routing file -

here contents of relevant files :

contents of app/config/routing.yml :

horse_route:     path:   /horse     defaults: { _controller: appbundle:horse:show }   app:     resource: "@appbundle/controller/"     type:     annotation 

contents of src/appbundle/controller/walruscontroller.php :

<?php  namespace appbundle\controller;  use sensio\bundle\frameworkextrabundle\configuration\route; use symfony\component\httpfoundation\response; use symfony\bundle\frameworkbundle\controller\controller;   class walruscontroller extends controller {      /**      * @route("/walrus/red")      */     public function walrusredirect()     {        return $this->redirecttoroute('/horse', array(), 301);      }    } 

contents of src/appbundle/controller/horsecontroller.php :

<?php  namespace appbundle\controller;  use sensio\bundle\frameworkextrabundle\configuration\route; use symfony\component\httpfoundation\response; use symfony\bundle\frameworkbundle\controller\controller;   class horsecontroller extends controller {      public function showaction()     {       return new response('this horse.');     }  } 

when type localhost:8000/walrus/red in browser, error message

unable generate url named route "/horse" such route not exist.   

it seems either did not declare route correctly in main routing file, or declared in wrong place. appreciated.

your route called horse_route need use

return $this->redirecttoroute('horse_route', array(), 301); 


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