javascript - create json like key and value -
var data1=[ {"year":2000, "country":"madagascar", "country_id":847, "indicator":"current account balance - national currency (millions)" }, {"year":2005, "country":"madagascar", "country_id":847, "indicator":"current account balance - national currency (millions)" }, {"year":2000, "country":"madagascar", "country_id":847, "indicator":"net income - national currency (millions)" }, {"year":2005, "country":"madagascar", "country_id":847, "indicator":"net income - national currency (millions)" } ]
this json data want using underscorejs
{ "key":"madagascar" "values":[ {"year":2000, "country":"madagascar", "country_id":847, "indicator":"current account balance - national currency (millions)" }, {"year":2005, "country":"madagascar", "country_id":847, "indicator":"current account balance - national currency (millions)" } ] }
please can 1 can me solve problem using underscore.js
underscore has _.groupby() method can heavy lifting, creates object key each value:
var groupeddata1 = _.groupby(data1, 'country');
here's value of groupeddata1:
{"madagascar": [ { "year": 2000, "country": "madagascar", "country_id": 847, "indicator": "current account balance - national currency (millions)" }, { "year": 2005, "country": "madagascar", "country_id": 847, "indicator": "current account balance - national currency (millions)" }, { "year": 2000, "country": "madagascar", "country_id": 847, "indicator": "net income - national currency (millions)" }, { "year": 2005, "country": "madagascar", "country_id": 847, "indicator": "net income - national currency (millions)" } ]}
to convert array of key/values, can use _.each() , _.keys() iterate through each country:
var groupeddata2 = []; _.each(_.keys(groupeddata1), function (country) { groupeddata2.push({ "key": country, "values": groupeddata1[country] }); });
this creates array of objects, 1 object each country:
[{ "key": "madagascar", "values": [{ "year": 2000, "country": "madagascar", "country_id": 847, "indicator": "current account balance - national currency (millions)" }, { "year": 2005, "country": "madagascar", "country_id": 847, "indicator": "current account balance - national currency (millions)" }, { "year": 2000, "country": "madagascar", "country_id": 847, "indicator": "net income - national currency (millions)" }, { "year": 2005, "country": "madagascar", "country_id": 847, "indicator": "net income - national currency (millions)" }] }]
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