c# - Not supported MySQL source of file -

i've been looking hours solution, literal string @ , changing picture box image etc. in result i'm still stuck , here's problem

i'm trying change picture box image image.fromfile, here's code

string filepath = picturesource.tables[0].rows[0][0].tostring();  pbtile.image = image.fromfile(filepath); pbtile.invalidate(); 

picturesource dataset (select bla bla bla) , returns sources of image

for ex : ‪d:\my project\semester 3\software development\untitled.png

and in breaks @ pbtile.image line giving me error : "the given's path format not supported"

is there wrong code or source? i've been looking hours , didn't find solution

thanks guys

edit 1

well seems this has solved problem don't know makes colon(:) on 3rd place made windows unsupport path, did retype path again on database , it's fine, seems there's hidden character between them. thanks

well seems has solved problem don't know makes colon(:) on 3rd place made windows unsupport path, did retype path again on database , it's fine, seems there's hidden character between them. thanks


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