How to click on row element by text instead of xpath using selenium 2 robotframework -

<div class="datatables_scroll">     <div class="datatables_scrollhead ui-state-default" style="overflow: hidden; position: relative; border: 0px none; width: 100%;">     <div class="datatables_scrollbody" style="position: relative; overflow: auto; width: 100%;">        <table id="datatables_table_4" class="datatable no-footer" role="grid" aria-describedby="datatables_table_4_info" style="width: 100%;">            <thead>            <tbody>                <tr class="odd" role="row">                <tr class="even" role="row">                    <td class="center-col multirowselect sorting_1">                    <td>group4</td>                    <td class=" center-col">enterprise open</td>                    <td class=" center-col">0</td>                </tr>            </tbody>        </table> </div> 

are absolutely sure don't xpath that? awfully powerful , can in fact used find text:

click element    xpath=//*[contains(text(),"group")]/parent::tr 


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