php pagination of an array with previous and next tab -

i have array contain around 1000 records. want display 20 array records per page.

  $list=array(     array([title]=>"sony", [description]=>"camera"),     array([title]=>"sony", [description]=>"mobiles"),     array([title]=>"lenovo", [description]=>"laptop"),     array([title]=>"lenovo", [description]=>"mobiles")     ); 

i have used following code pagination. giving me long row pagination.
can me include previous , next code existing code pagination good.

$page = isset($_request['page']) && $_request['page'] > 0 ? $_request['page'] : 1;            function display($list, $page = 1)      {     $start = ($page - 1) * 2;      $list = array_slice($list, $start, 15);      foreach ($list $key => $val) {          echo $val['title'] . '<br/>';         echo $val['description'] . '<br/>';         echo "<br>";     }} $len = count($list);     $pages = ceil($len / 2);     if ($page > $pages or $page < 1)      {         echo 'page not found';     }     else      {         display($list, $page);         ($i = 1 ; $i <= $pages ; $i++)         {             $current = ($i == $page) ? true : false;             if ($current) {                 echo '<b>' . $i . '</b>';             }             else             {                 ?>      <a href="http://localhost/flipkart-api/fkt_offer.php?offer=alloffers&page=<?php echo $i;?>"><?php echo $i;?></a>     <?php             }          }     } 

here's example data array question.

the example

  • the page size assumed 2 (20 in question).
  • the size of data array not matter.
  • the start parameter provided (as in example) thru parameter http://localhost/flipkart-api/fkt_offer.php?…start=index_or_page.
    this parameter available in script $_get['start'].
  • the previous , next start indices calculated ($start +/- $maxpage, etc.).
  • to keep example simple, took start index, not page number, parameter. use page number , calculate index, of course.
  • for reason of brevity omitted error checking ("what if no more items", etc.).


    <?php         // data array         $list=array(             array('title'=>"sony",   'description'=>"camera"),             array('title'=>"sony",   'description'=>"mobiles"),             array('title'=>"lenovo", 'description'=>"laptop"),             array('title'=>"lenovo", 'description'=>"mobiles")         );          // evaluate url         $proto = ((isset($_server["https"])) && (strtoupper($_server["https"]) == 'on')) ? "https://" : "http://";         $hname = getenv("server_name");         $port = getenv("server_port");         if ( (($port==80)&&($proto=='http://')) || (($port==443)&&($proto=='https://')) ) { $port = ''; }         $params = '';         foreach ($_get $key=>$value) {             if (strtolower($key)=='start') continue;             $params .= (empty($params)) ? "$key=$value" : "&$key=$value";         }         $url = $proto . $hname . $port. $_server['script_name'] . '?' . $params;          // page contents         $last = count($list)-1;         $start = (isset($_get['start'])) ? intval($_get['start']) : 0;         if ($start<0) $start = 0; if ($start > $last) $start = $last;         $maxpage = 2;         echo "<p>start index = $start</p>" . php_eol;         $curpage = 0;         for($xi=$start; $xi<=$last; $xi++) {             if ($curpage >= $maxpage) break;             $curpage++;             echo 'entry ' . $curpage .                  ':  ' . $list[$xi]['title'] .                  ' - ' . $list[$xi]['description'] .                  '<br />' . php_eol;         }          // navigation         $prev = $start - $maxpage; if ($prev<0) $prev = 0;         $next = ( ($start+$maxpage) > $last) ? $start : $start + $maxpage;         $prev = ( ($start-$maxpage) < 0) ? 0 : $start - $maxpage;         echo '<p><a href="'.$url.'&start='.$prev.'">previous</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;';         echo '<a href="'.$url.'&start='.$next.'">next</a></p>';     ?> 

result (e.g)

    start index = 2      entry 1: lenovo - laptop     entry 2: lenovo - mobiles      previous  next 


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