c# - how to join two table column name and yield one result in linq -

need clear 1 doubt on linq

public list<selectlistitem> getattributename()  {     var attri = (from z in _entities.attributes                  select z).asenumerable()                .select(z => new selectlistitem {         text = z.attributename + " (" + z.attributetype.attributetypecode + ")",         value = z.attributeid.tostring()                 });     return attri.tolist();  } 

on line

text = z.attributename + " (" + z.attributetype.attributetypecode + ")", 

the output be.. this..

abcd (efgh) ijkl(mnop) qrst(uvwx) 

but need output is

abcd ijkl qrst efgh mnop uvwx 

how achieve that..?

public list<selectlistitem> getattributename()  {     return _entities.attributes                    .select(a => new selectlistitem {                          text = a.attributename,                          value = a.attributeid.tostring() })                    .concat(_entities.attributes.asenumerable()                                    .select(a => new selectlistitem {                          text = a.attributetype.attributetypecode.tostring(),                          value = a.attributeid.tostring() })                    .tolist(); } 

or in single query database (previous sample query database 2 times):

public list<selectlistitem> getattributename()  {     var attributes = _entities.attributes                              .select(a => new {                                    a.attributename,                                   a.attributetype.attributetypecode,                                   a.attributeid                              }).tolist();     return attributes.select(a => new selectlistitem {                          text = a.attributename,                          value = a.attributeid.tostring() })                     .concat(attributes.select(a => new selectlistitem {                          text = a.attributetypecode.tostring(),                          value = a.attributeid.tostring() })                     .tolist(); } 


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