c# - What should I be using here instead of ExecuteScalar? -
i'm trying return dbset<survey>
defined as
public class survey { public int id { get; set; } [stringlength(100)] public string title { get; set; } }
the error i'm getting
an exception of type 'system.invalidcastexception' occurred in survey.dll not handled in user code additional information: unable cast object of type 'system.int32' type 'system.data.entity.dbset`1[survey.models.survey]'.
about dbset<survey> allsurveys = (dbset<survey>)cmd.executescalar();
line of
public dbset<survey> getallsurveys ( ) { sqlcommand cmd = new sqlcommand("getallsurveys", this._conn); cmd.commandtype = commandtype.storedprocedure; this._conn.open(); dbset<survey> allsurveys = (dbset<survey>)cmd.executescalar(); this._conn.close(); return allsurveys; }
the table in database , sproc i'm using generated by
create table surveys ( id int identity(1,1), title nvarchar(100) not null, primary key (id) ); go -- create sprocs adding, deleting, getting surveys create procedure addsurvey @title nvarchar(100) insert surveys (title) values (@title) go create procedure deletesurvey @id int delete surveys id=@id go -- seed surveys table 1 sample survey exec addsurvey @title = "survey numero uno"; go create procedure getallsurveys select * surveys order title asc; go
any idea i'm going wrong?
this line dbset<survey> allsurveys = (dbset<survey>)cmd.executescalar();
return int. can try like:
edit based on comment old school .net. there 1 more thing in method can changed.
your full method this:
public dbset<survey> getallsurveys ( ) { using (sqlcommand cmd = new sqlcommand("getallsurveys", this._conn) { cmd.commandtype = commandtype.storedprocedure; this._conn.open(); dbset<survey> allsurveys = new dbset<survey>(); using (sqldatareader datareader = cmd.executereader()) { while (datareader.read()) { survey srv=new survey { id = datareader.isdbnull(0)?default(int): datareader.getint32(0), title =datareader.isdbnull(1)?string.empty: datareader.getstring(1)}; allsurveys.add(srv); } } this._conn.close(); return allsurveys; } }
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