mysql - How to retrieve multiple rows with the same ID from two tables with only knowing one value -

i sitting @ problem currently. have imported open source geolocation database.

i have 2 tables want access to.

table a:
id   | lat | lon
200 | 48 | 12

table b:
id   | type | value
200 | city   | munich
200 | state | bavaria

want have result this:
id   | lat | lon | typevalue | typevalue
200 | 48 | 12  | munich        | bavaria

is possible in 1 query?

edit: value know "munich"

edit2: i've got far:

select lat, geodb_coordinates.lon lon, geodb_textdata.text_val text  geodb_coordinates, geodb_textdata  geodb_coordinates.loc_id = geodb_textdata.loc_id , geodb_textdata.text_val :location group geodb_textdata.text_val order length(geodb_textdata.text_val) limit 3 

try like:

select,a.iat, a.ion, b.value typevalue1, c.value typevalue2  inner join b on , b.type='city' inner join b c on , c.type='state' 


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