python 2.7 - checking duplicate images with ORB -
currently working on checking duplicate images , using orb that, first part complete, have descriptor vector of both images, second part want know how calculate scores using hamming distance, , should threshold of saying these duplicates
img1 = gray_image15 img2 = gray_image25 # initiate star detector orb = cv2.orb_create() # find keypoints orb kp1 = orb.detect(img1,none) kp2 = orb.detect(img2,none) # compute descriptors orb kp1, des1 = orb.compute(img1, kp1) kp2, des2 = orb.compute(img2, kp2) matcher = cv2.bfmatcher(cv2.norm_hamming, crosscheck=true) matches = matcher.match(des1, des2) # sort them in order of distance. matches = sorted(matches, key = lambda x:x.distance)
i want know next step in process can print yes or no duplicates. using opencv3.0.0 python 2.7
- once obtain descriptors, can use bag-of-words model cluster descriptors of reference image, is, build vocabulary (visual words).
- then project descriptors of other image on vocabulary.
- then can obtain histogram showing distribution of each of visual words in 2 images.
- compare these 2 histograms using histogram comparison technique , use threshold detect duplicates. example, if use bhattacharyya distance, low value means match.
i don't have python implementation of this, can find similar in c++ here.
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