angularjs - Unit Test Angular Form Validation With $validators -

my webapp using angular 1.4.8. have directive validates form input using $validators. input starts number 5, 6 , 9 , contains 8 numbers valid.

angular     .module('directive.customnumber', [])     .directive('customnumber', customnumber);  function customnumber() {     var regexp = /^([569][0-9]{7})/;      return {         require: ['ngmodel', '^form'],         link: function(scope, elm, attrs, ctrl) {             ctrl.$validators.customnumber = function(modelvalue, viewvalue) {                 if(ctrl.$isempty(modelvalue)) {                     // consider empty models valid                     return true;                 }                 return regexp.test(viewvalue);             };         }     }; } 


<form name="form">     <input type="text" name="myinput" custom-number> </form> 

now want write unit test directive using jasmine. test case:

describe('directive', function() {     var $scope;      beforeeach(function() {         module('directive.customnumber');         inject(function($rootscope, $compile) {             $scope = $rootscope;             var template = '<form name="form"><input type="text" name="myinput" custom-number></form>';             $compile(template)($scope);             $scope.digest();         });     });      it('should not accept invalid input', function() {         var form = $scope.form;         form.myinput.$setviewvalue('abc');          expect(form.$valid).tobefalsy();         expect(form.myinput.$;     }); }); 

running throws error "typeerror: cannot set property 'customnumber' of undefined @ line:

ctrl.$validators.customnumber = function(.... 

i not sure why $validators become undefined in test works fine in normal environment. if rid of error manually creating $validators object before use, test fails because customnumber validator never being run (know logging), form.$valid true.

how can test directive?

on directive ctrl array whare ctrl[0] ngmodel , ctrl[1] formcontroller


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